The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James

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The Sun Down Motel is a gripping thriller told through eyes of two women, one in 1982 and one in 2017. It's creepy, atmospheric, and completely engrossing. It's another one of those amazing books that I sat down intending to read for an hour and didn't notice how much time had passed until I finished the book.

After her mother's death, Carly Kirk sets off to New York to investigate her aunt's disappearance from a motel 35 years earlier. With little to go on, Carly is given some hope after befriending the young woman who is currently renting her aunt's old apartment and ends up accepting a job working for the same motel as her aunt. The Sun Down Motel has it's own tragic history and it's connection to a mysterious guest leaves Carly unsure of whom to trust.

Simone St. James has created an intricate story of secrets, ghosts, tragedy and friendship. Carly is incredibly relatable. A college student unsure of what she truly wants to have a career in gets swept up in the adventure and mystery of her missing aunt. She's not helpless or delusional-she's very aware that she isn't a detective and doesn't have unlimited time to spend on the endeavor. But she is determined to finally have answers to her family's greatest mystery.

I loved the way that St. James makes the Sun Down Motel feel alive. Ghosts haunt the motel and their presence is felt everywhere. Opening and slamming doors, mysterious voices, and cigarette smoke but no smoker occur frequently and without any obvious provocation. Not only are their ghosts, there's no cell reception or wifi, spotty landline service and one of the old-fashioned ledger books for guests because the computer never works. How it stayed open and operational is mind-boggling. I refuse to stay in any motel that has the room doors opening to the outside. How could anyone stay at this creepy place? Chills, it gives you chills.

I absolutely loved this book and once again, kicked myself for waiting so long to read it. Yep, it was my January Book of the Month pick and I waited until April to read it. I'm trying to get better about reading the books sooner but I have so many wonderful books to read it's hard to prioritize my TBR. An amazing book and I can't wait for you all to read it and share your thoughts.

If you want to be spooked while trapped in your home, you can get a copy of The Sun Down Motel here:

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