Burning Girls and Other Stories by Veronica Scanoes

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Burning Girls and Other Stories is a fascinating and magical collection of short stories from Veronica Schanoes. Showcasing the resilience of women, this collection draws on historical events and folktales and paints them in a new light. In Phosphorus, my favorite of the collection, we learn of the horrors of an unsafe workplace and the devastating and deadly consequences that can be found when workers, often women, are left with no power. In Among the Thorns, the opening story, a young woman seeks revenge on the people who murdered her father. Powerfully told, you can feel the anger and grief grown inside Ittele as she learns of her father’s death and the way the village that murdered him gloated about his death. After her mother dies, she sets out to seek revenge and learns there is more to the world than she knows. 

How to Bring Someone Back from the Dead explores the tortuous journey of grieving someone you love and the understandable reaction to want them back. 

While many of the stories focus on the grief and loss, at the heart of it, this collection highlights the strength and resilience of women. In the end, the women move on under their own terms and in their own way. 

Beautiful, dark, and expertly put together, this collection is one that should be on everyone’s shelf. If you would like to get your own copy, you can find ordering information here: