I'd Rather Be Reading by Anne Bogel


I’d Rather Be Reading:  The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life is a love letter to readers everywhere. It’s a reassurance that it’s ok to have overflowing bookshelves and never ending piles of books that we couldn’t let languish on a sale rack. It’s an affirmation that no matter how you read-audio, physical, e-reader, book club,in a coffee shop or in line at the store-it’s all equally important.

And, perfectly ok. 

Anne covers everything reading related. From how to select books, proper shelving techniques, and how to not force books on others no matter how good your intentions are. Oh, and how to rearrange your books because the first shelving system didn’t work. And then, change it again. 

Her words on never ending TBR piles spoke volumes to me. I have 37 physical books I want to read on the two shelves next to me right now. 37! That I have paid for and can’t wait to get to. I also have 7 advance digital copies and 4 paperbacks that come out next month to read-and hopefully they’re great so I can share them with you. Not to mention Book of the Month and oh, yeah, I work at a library. So I completely understand never ending TBR lists.

Anne writes of her love of the library and how living next door to one shaped her as a reader and an adult. How a library can help fuel passions and help discover new interests. 
I’d Rather Be Reading is a slim volume about the true love of reading life.

Anne has another book, Reading People:  How Seeing the World Through the Lens of Personality Changes Everything, that was published last year and definitely worth checking out.  Not only does Anne have a thing for long titles, she has a gift for gorgeous book covers that look amazing on your shelves.  

You can also find her on one of my favorite bookish podcasts, What Should I Read Next, where she provides book recommendations to readers facing the biggest obstacle-what should I read next?  It's actually the first book related podcast I started listening to and it is truly a delight to listen to other readers gush about the books they love.  

I'd Rather Be Reading is available now, and available wherever you buy books. You can get your copy, and help support the site, here: 


Also, as of this morning, Anne's book Reading People is available on Kindle for $2.99 this morning!  

Estranged by Ethan M. Aldridge

Library copy hanging out on my new library stools! 

Library copy hanging out on my new library stools! 

What would it be like to know you don't belong?  I mean, truly don't belong.  To know that you are a human amongst fay, or fay amongst humans?  To know that your family is not the one decided by birth, but rather by the whims of others?

Edmund knows that he doesn't belong with his parents and sister Alexis.  It's more than preteen angst-he isn't human.  He's able to start fires with his mind and change his appearance to look human.  But Edmund can't return home, a changeling is in his place.  The "Human Childe" is living with the royalty at Court to be shown off like a prized pet instead of a son.  

During a royal gathering, the King's sister Hawthorne returns to seek vengeance on her brother and his wife.  After watching his fay parents get turned into rats, he escapes with his page Wick, a golem, from the World Below to find the one person who can save them all-his changeling brother.  

The brothers set off to the World Below-a place that can be found below the subway tunnels. Once below, the boys realize that there is one more person who can help.  Edmund's sister Alexis followed the boys and won't let hem continue without her help.  Through a series of adventures, some which find them allies while others enemies, the boys work together to save the kingdom.  

The artwork is incredible-the World Below is very atmospheric and dark.  It took an embarrassingly long time to realize that the pages where outlined in white when the story was taking place up above and outlined in black when they were in the fay kingdom down below.  I know, I know.  The fay characters had a really unusual look to them.  The royalty were all long fingers, tall bodies, and sharp looking spiny growths on their arms and faces. There was a variety of other characters too-different animal inspired creatures with odd horns and floppy ears.  

Alexis was a really great character.  She was always understanding and supportive of both boys-she really did see both of them as being her brother.  I think that unwavering support will resonate with a lot of the kids that read this.  The human parents seemed completely oblivious.  They didn't catch on that a different kid was living with them.  There's a quick scene where a dragon-like creature is chasing the kids through a subway tunnel and little girl sees them but not her mother-she's too busy on her phone.  Parents are always oblivious.  

There's a ton of adventure going on in this book.  Hiding from scary guards, looking for secret maps, and trying to outrun dragons.  Between the magic, fighting, and dragons the story never slows down.  My son absolutely loved it and he's very picky about his books.  

Highly recommend this one-it was a really fun ride.  

You can get your copy, and help support the site, here: 

City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab

You would think having a ghost follow you wherever you go would be scary-especially if you’re only 12 years old.  Luckily for Cass, her ghost is just a nice guy named Jacob who isn’t just her best friend, but is the one who saved her life when she fell into a freezing river and died.  Well, died for a few moments. It’s that brush with death that allows Cass to see the ghosts around her and cross over into the Veil-the world of ghosts who are stuck in-between.

Cass’s parents are the co-authors of a book series The Inspecters, a collection of ghost stories that are both history and myth, with her father’s history research and her mother’s talented storytelling.  Having parents who make a living on ghost stories would seem perfect for Cass and her newfound abilities, but Cass keeps her secret from everyone around her.  Everyone except Jacob. When her parents are offered a television deal based on their books, the family heads to Edinburgh for filming. Edinburgh is the most haunted place on earth and where Cass discovers that she hasn’t begun to scratch the surface of her abilities or of the Veil.

Once in Edinburgh, Cass’s parents meet with the production crew and quickly begin their filming.  While Cass is not a part of the show, she does tag along to see the sights and watch production. It’s during filming that Cass discovers a new ghost, one that wears a bright red cloak and sings a terrifyingly alluring song.  Before Cass can get in over her head, she meets another occupant of their apartment building, a young girl about her age named Lara who has the same gift as Cass, but uses it in a much different way. Lara is able to help ghosts move on and even calls herself a ghost hunter.  When she learns that Cass and Jacob are friends, she’s horrified. Why isn’t Cass doing her job? Why is Jacob hanging around?

But it’s only with Jacob’s help that Cass will be able to survive ghosts that are stronger than anything she’s encountered.  

This is a middle grade novel so it’s target audience is about 8-12 years old.  I am very far away from 8 years old and absolutely loved it. It’s an amazing ghost story with the right balance of creepy and history.  Edinburgh was the perfect setting with it’s castles and haunted secret tunnels. I really like how the author pointed out several of the language differences as Cass and her family moved in to their temporary flat.  Lifts, chips, and the most funny, pants. Kids will love the quick discussion about trousers and pants. I did.

Cass is also a photographer and her camera plays an important part in the story.  Cass isn’t the type of annoying-young-girl-who-giggles type of character. She’s real, honest, and focused.  She cares about the ghosts and feels like it’s her responsibility to learn their story. There also isn’t any romantic feelings between Jacob and Cass.  They’re friends. End of story.

Her parents were also really well written.  They’re shown trying to balance their careers and time with Cass in a completely relatable way-Scotland provides more than a job, but also an adventure for Cass.  

I couldn’t find anywhere if this will continue on in a series.  There’s a satisfying ending to this story, but I hope we can find out more about Jacob and the Veil.  The parents were going to film in multiple locations so maybe there will be more books? I have my fingers crossed.  

Definitely check this one out, even if you’re a grown up.  

City of GHosts by Victoria Schwab is available now from wherever you buy books.  You can get your copy, and help support the site, here:

Gabi's If/Then Garden by Caroline Karanja

Gabi’s If/Then Garden by Caroline Karanja is available from Capstone on September 1, 2018.

Gabi’s If/Then Garden by Caroline Karanja is available from Capstone on September 1, 2018.


If you combine great characters and illustrations with child-friendly computer language, then you’ll have a great beginning coder book! Caroline Karanja has created an accessible and fun way for children to learn the basics of coding.  

Gabi and Adi spend an afternoon in the garden learning about if/then statements.  “If it doesn’t rain, then they water the plants.”  

The girls use those statements to change “Simon Says” to Computer and Programmer.  “If the Programmer does a jumping jack, then the Computer does a cartwheel.”

Using child-friendly language and experiences, the girls discover that coding concepts are all around them.  

Beautifully done book!

Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

Sheets by Brenna Thummler

Marjorie Glatt has a lot on her plate.  School, taking care of her brother, running the family laundry business, sleazy businessmen, and ghosts.  She definitely doesn’t have time for ghosts.

After the death of her mother, Marjorie’s father shut down and began drinking away his grief.  This leaves Marjorie to deal with everything on her own. She’s left to care for her little brother, the housework, and the stress of high school.  

If the family is to stay afloat, Marjorie has to become the sole employee of the family laundry.  Hurrying home from school, Marjorie has to deal with impatient customers who have no sympathy for a high schooler trying to run a business and go to school.  Not only does Marjorie have to work long in to the night to get all the orders completed, she has to deal with the most disgusting and juvenile of sleazy businessmen.  Mr. Saubertuck has dreams of turning the Glatt’s Laundry in to a spa resort. True to his gross form, he doesn’t want to provide an actual business offer, instead he tries to sabotage the business by spreading rumors and tainting the laundry detergent with dye.  Unfortunately for Marjorie, his attempts at sabotage are beginning to work.

With her business constantly threatened by a shady businessman, Marjorie is at the breaking point and the last thing she needs is a ghost named Wendell. Wendell died when he was only 11 and is very lonely living in the land of ghosts.  When he discovers that Saubertuck is trying to ruin Marjorie’s business, he tries to help her out. But his attempts at helping don’t go as planned. When the other ghosts learn that he has made contact with a living person, he is faced with devastating consequences.  

Full disclosure:  I received a free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own. 

You can get your copy, and help support the site, here:



Toil & Trouble edited by Jessica Spotswood and Tess Sharpe

Toil & Trouble introduces us to 15 young women just coming in to their magical powers.  From love spells and healing hands to magical spells that write plays, this collection tells the stories of strong and powerful young women.  Covering different time periods and locations, the different stories in Toil & Trouble are both unique and unified.  

We meet Esperanza, a fashion icon who uses her social media prowess to spread her gift of astrology who finds her scientist soulmate during an online debate.  Deliverance Pond, a midwife in the 1600’s who witnesses an extraordinary birth. Mattie, a Priestess who uses her gift to solve a mystical crime. Our young and powerful witches use their gifts to empower, heal, and protect.

Consent, domestic abuse, sexual identity, family, school, boyfriends, girlfriends, best friends, body image-it’s all in here.  Each story was powerful and engaging and I was unable to put it down. Excellent collection!


Full disclosure:  I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for a review-all opinions are mine. This was an excellent book! 

You can get your copy, and help support the site, here: 

Saturday is Swimming Day by Hyewon Yum

I'm a sucker for beautiful illustrations and I fell in love with Saturday is Swimming Day for that very reason.  But this book is more than some pretty drawings.  It's also a very sweet story about some things in life can be very scary, but with the right people and encouragement, we can do anything we set our minds to.  

A little girl has swimming lessons on Saturday but her stomach hurts so she really shouldn't go.  Her mom checks her over and doesn't find anything wrong so she gets her swimming suit packed and off to lessons they go.  Luckily, our little girl has a very understanding teacher and lets her sit by the pool while she waits for her stomach to feel better.  But it never feels better so she never gets in the pool.  

When the next Saturday comes around, our little girl has another stomach ache.  This time, her teacher offers to hold her so she can practice some swimming like the other kids.  With help and guidance, our little girl gains the confidence she needs to not be scared of the pool.  

With beautiful illustrations and simple text, this story will be very helpful to little ones who need some extra help feeling confident.  

Saturday is Swimming Day is available now from Candlewick Press.  You can get your copy, and help support the site, here: 

Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles by Mark Russell

Available in comic book shops August 22nd and everywhere else August 28th

Available in comic book shops August 22nd and everywhere else August 28th

 I am definitely not an expert on comics or their history, but a quick interweb search provided a very brief background on DC Comics putting out reimagined stories for some of the older Hanna-Barbera characters.  I wasn’t aware they had new comics out about the Flintstones and after reading Exit Stage Left,  I can’t wait to find them and check them out.  

Exit Stage Left:  The Snagglepuss Chronicles is set in 1953 but feels as though it could be written for today.  Snagglepuss is under investigation by the House Committee on Un-American Activities for involvement with Russian spies.  Married to a woman but secretly in love with a man, Snagglepuss hides his true identity from the public and all but his closest of friends.  Writer Mark Russell gives us a Snagglepuss, or SP as he is commonly referred to, that is a wildly successful playwright and his latest play is a huge hit on Broadway.  But even with all of his fame and money, Snagglepuss is still forced to hide his relationship to Pablo. Snagglepuss isn’t the only one with secrets- Huckleberry Hound makes an appearance as well.  Best friend to SP, Huckleberry is a once-successful novelist who lost everything when a scandalous affair cost him his marriage and relationship with his son. Now, unemployed and wandering the country, he has stopped in New York long enough to see his old friend.  But Huckleberry is allowed a short time of happiness. He falls in love with a police officer but the Stonewall riots reveal a darker side to their relationship.

Exit Stage Left:  The Snagglepuss Chronicles is full of secrets, lies, and betrayals that are revealed through court hearings, flashbacks, and an autobiographical play produced by Snagglepuss.  This was a great read that combined amazing artwork from artist Mike Feehan and an engaging story.

Exit Stage Left:  The Snagglepuss Chronicles will be available in comic shops on August 22nd and everywhere else on August 28th.  

The Dinner List by Rebecca Serle

August Book of the Month Pick

August Book of the Month Pick

If you could have dinner with any five people, living or dead, who would they be?  It's a question I can't seem to answer.  I honestly can't make up my mind.  Would there be hard feelings if I chose J.R. Ward over my husband?  Probably.  He knows about the Black Dagger Brotherhood.  Are you obligated to pick your own child?  Your parents?  Bill Murray would be amazing, as would Amy Schumer.  Would they be as interesting to talk to as Nnedi Okorafor or John Scalzi?  Should I think bigger?  Queen Victoria or King Arthur?  Can they be fictional?  If so, definitely King Arthur.  Or Odin.  

Like I said, I can't make up my mind.  

Sabrina Nielsen arrives at her birthday dinner to find Audrey Hepburn, her deceased father, longtime roommate and best friend Jessica, her college professor, and her ex-lover Tobias.  How?  No one has any idea how they got there, why they are there, and how much time they have.  What follows is a sometimes uncomfortable look at how our many relationships can shape our lives and possibly our own destiny.  

Turning 30 hasn't been what Sabrina thought it would be.  Her decade long relationship with Tobias hasn't led to marriage.  She hasn't climbed as far up the ladder in publishing as she'd like.  Her best friend is now married and a mother in the suburbs with a completely different life than her own.  Added to her stress, her birthday dinner includes her long deceased father who left the family when Sabrina was still little.  Will learning his side of the story bring closure?  Why is her former professor at the dinner?  How did Audrey end up here and what does she have to teach Sabrina about love and life?

A look at life, love, and forgiveness, Rebecca Serle explores it all with grace and sensitivity.  Told through a combination of memories and present day, Sabrina reflects on her life and relationships and what she needs to be fulfilled. 

This was my third Book of the Month pick and I have yet to be disappointed.  While this story did start a bit slow, I really wanted to learn how and why her list of five was able to be at the dinner.  

You can get your copy, and help support the site, here: 

We Don't Eat Our Classmates by Ryan T. Higgins

I first fell in love with Higgins' writing with Mother Bruce, a story about a grumpy old bear who becomes a parent to three wild geese.  Well, he became their mother after they hatched while he was trying to cook their eggs, but you know, details.  The series is hilarious and I highly recommend them.  

We Don't Eat Our Classmates is a hilarious take on first day of school jitters.  Penelope Rex is very nervous about starting school.  Worried about friends and backpacks and lunches.  When she discovers that her entire class is made up of human children she panics and eats them.  Luckily her teacher is there to make her spit them back out.  Penelope spends the rest of her day trying to being a good friend but the children are now scared of her.  Much to Penelope's disappointment, making friends is hard and doesn't come easily.  It isn't until a run-in with the class pet that Penelope learns that it's really not nice to be eaten.  

Very funny and sweet, We Don't Eat Our Classmates is here just in time for the start of a new school year.  


You can get your copy, and help support the site here: 

Any Man by Amber Tamblyn

Library copy of Any Man by Amber Tamblyn

Library copy of Any Man by Amber Tamblyn

***Trigger Warning for violent sexual assault.***

Any Man by Amber Tamblyn was a brutal and intense look at how we treat those who have been victimized by sexual assault.  A serial rapist who goes by the name of Maud is hunting men. She looks for them online, in bars, and breaks in to their homes and what she does to the men is horrific and traumatizing.  Somehow, Maud is able to commit these crimes without ever leaving any trace of evidence-except for one terrifying piece and the police spend a decade searching for her. But Maude is never caught and her story is never told.  Tamblyn only gives us the stories of the men-told through journal entries, online chats, therapy sessions, and nightmares. We see how society treats their attacks as less than serious because they’re men and shouldn’t be able to have this inflicted on them.  We are shown how family members and friends alienate them as more gruesome details of their attacks surface. At one point, our main character Donald has to explain to his young son what happened to him and it was absolutely heartbreaking.

The book is told using many different types of writing styles-journal entries, online chats, and one section that was the most disturbing to me.  Tamblyn includes an entire section of tweets about the attacks that was absolutely chilling to read. Tweets from celebrities and news hosts received the most retweets and comments and those from police departments seeking help in find attackers received zero interactions.  Absolutely chilling to realize this is how real life plays out.

This novel was absolutely gripping-I read it in one sitting and couldn’t put it down.  While it’s an amazing piece of writing, please only read this if you feel safe doing so.  

You can get your copy, and help support the site here:  

Night and Silence by Seanan McGuire

Available September 4, 2018

When October “Toby” Daye, knight errant in service to the Court of Shadowed HIlls finds her human ex-husband and his new wife on her doorstep, she knows it can only mean trouble.  Toby’s mortal daughter Gillian has been taken and not only is she in danger, but it could also bring to light secrets that Toby needs to stay hidden. Along with her closest friends and fiancé, Toby sets out to discover who in faery knows of Gillian’s existence and why they would dare to threaten her.  

But Toby's team is still healing from their last adventure.  Tybalt, King of Dreaming Cats and Toby's fiancé, was brutally tortured by Toby's mother and must deal with his own emotions and recovery.  Can their relationship continue after all the hurt?  Will Gillian's kidnapping be the tipping point?  Added to all the stress, Toby has not been present in Gillian's life. In order to keep her safe from the fae and prevent her death from elf-shot, Toby used her blood magic to turn Giliian fully human.  Dealing with her ex-husband and his new wife, and why does she look so familiar, is incredibly hard on Toby.  With accusations on from both sides being thrown back and forth, everyone will need to put aside the past in order to save Gillian's future.   

But as more clues unfold, the mystery only becomes deeper and the list of who and what Toby can trust becomes smaller.  If Gillian can be saved, at what cost?

I really enjoyed this book.  It's the first one in the series that I've read and I plan on fixing that mistake very soon!  Even though it's book 12, I didn't feel like I was missing out on any backstory or had any difficulty following along.  I found the mix of magic and faery, the setting of San Fransico, and the history of the fae and mortals to be very well thought out and engrossing.  An amazing story full of fae politics, lore, and magic that keeps the pages turning from beginning to end.

I highly recommend this series.  Night and Silence is available September 4, 2018. You can preorder your copy, and help support the site, here:

Thank you to the publisher, Berkley Publishing Group-DAW and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.  While I received a free copy in return for a review, all opinions are my own.  

Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik

Spinning Silver.JPG

This past week, The Hubs and I took The Kid and two of our dogs for a trip down memory lane.  Twelve years ago we honeymooned in the middle of the Shawnee National Forest, cut off from easy access to grocery stores, internet, and good beer.  A lot has changed in twelve years.  We packed great food, there is now lightning fast internet, and the local gas station had an impressive beer selection.  Impressive enough that we had to cram in our selections in the apartment-sized fridge in the cabin.  But one thing didn't change-the quiet of the woods is my favorite place to read.  I plowed through three books in our four day stay and all of them were amazing.  

Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik is my second Book of the Month pick and my first time reading this author.   

I know, I'm kicking myself too.  Novik is a great writer.

Spinning Silver is a gender-flipped retelling of the Rumpelstiltskin fairy tale.  Miryem is the much-loved daughter of a moneylender whose kindness and leniency has left his own family in poverty.  When Miryem's mother falls ill and needs medicine and care they can't afford, Miryem takes matters into her own hands and sets out with her basket to collect what is owed to her family.  When the villagers realize that she means business and is more than capable of keeping precise records, debts begin to paid on schedule.  Her newfound success not only changes the fate of her own family, but of those around her.  Wanda, a young woman whose abusive father would rather drink the family's money than pay off their debt, is sent to work as a housemaid for Miryem's family.  Away from her father and finally receiving at least one proper a meal a day has given Wanda her first sense of security since her mother's death.  

While on a trip home from visiting her wealthy grandparents, Miryem confronts her mother's unwillingness to be proud of Miryem's success.  Why should they be cold?  Hungry? Why, when Miryem can turn silver into gold?  This last statement brings out the mysterious Staryk, the magical and lethal fey that rule the woods and have a lust for all things gold.  When the Staryk King traps Miryem into an impossible deal, her fate, and that of those around her, is put in the balance.  Across the land, another woman, Irina,  awaits her fate with the Tsar-a man who is not what he seems and wants Irina for more than her dowry.  When Irina and Miryem cross paths, the two realize that they are stronger together and the only hope for their kingdoms.  

Novik weaves a tale that is both action packed and beautiful.  I read this while sitting in a cabin staring at the forest-and hoping there really wasn't any fey kings wanting to pop out.  The white trees, embroidered dresses, silver crowns, and horse drawn sleighs made for a magical setting.  The friendship and trust that grows between Wanda and Miryem was also beautiful to watch.  As daughters, meant only to be married off and produce heirs, their intelligence and cunning was sorely underestimated.

I really enjoyed this book.  It was the perfect mix of fantasy and suspense set in a beautifully crafted world.  

You can get your copy, and help support the site, here: 

Call of Doodie by Donald Lemke

Call of Doodie:  A Potty Training Book by Donald Lemke is available from Capstone August 1, 2018.

Who is ready to be a Poo-Tenent?  The silliest drill sergeant ever leads a diverse cast of underwear clad soldiers through the necessary missions to achieve potty training success!  Humorous, lighthearted, and full of great illustrations, this book gives children all the basics to complete a potty mission.

A super cute book that would make great gift for your favorite little Poo-Tenent.  


You can get your copy, and help support the site, here:

Thank you to Netgalley and Capstone for the opportunity to read and review this book.

A Place For Us by Fatima Farheen Mirza

A Place for Us, is one of those quiet, beautiful books that draws you in and doesn’t let go until the last page.  Fatima Farheen Mirza creates characters that you can’t help but become invested in and care for.

A Place for Us is about an Indian family who is gathered together for the wedding of Hadia, oldest daughter to Rafiq and Layla.  As her sister Huda helps her prepare for the ceremony, Hadia is hopeful that her brother Amar will be in attendance.  After leaving the family three years ago, none of the family has seen or heard from him. A Place for Us tells the story of how the family got their start in the United States, what tore them apart, and what may hopefully bring them together.  We follow the family through joyful birthdays, trouble at school, the effects of 9/11 on a Muslim family, and how no matter how far you fall, your family is always there.  

Many parts of the story are retold in different points of view of each family member giving a complete view of each event.  What seemed as a betrayal to one was truly meant to be a well-meaning intervention.

I felt this book also showed how faith can cause such strife amongst a family, but also provide great comfort and stability at the same time.  How all families, regardless of religion, home state, or social status can have both joy and discord.

Tissue warning:  Part Four was brutal.  Beautifully brutal and the perfect ending, but I was a complete mess after reading it.  

You can get your copy, and help support the site, here:

Yes We (Still) Can by Dan Pfeiffer

The mere fact that I was very excited to hear Dan Pfeiffer was going to write this book and I preordered tells you just about everything you need to know about my political views.  You’ve been warned-but this post is about the book, not me.

Dan Pfeiffer is the former White House Communication Director for the Obama administration and a current cohost of the Pod Save America podcast.  Yes We (Still) Can is his take on how politics have changed beginning with the Obama administration and the effect that social media and television networks have had on the American public.  Pfeiffer is an engaging speaker and an equally engaging writer.

Pfeiffer provides insights into his early political career working on senate campaigns all the way up to his days after the White House.  One thing that I really respected about the book is it’s honesty. There is no shying away from failure. When he, or the someone on the staff, made a mistake-he gives it as much weight and analysis as any high point.  

I really enjoyed the book-it’s well written and accessible and I’ve listened to Pfeiffer on Pod Save America enough that I heard his voice in my head the whole time.

Yes We (Still) Can by Dan Pfeiffer is available now.

You can get your copy, and help support the site, here:

Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse (Copy)

It’s been 26 hours since vacation officially started.   The Kid and I took the pugs on a very slow meandering stroll through the woods, went out to lunch, and I devoured the most badass monster slaying story.

Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse is the grown-up Buffy* I’ve been dying to read.  When Maggie Hoskie was a child, she survived a horrific attack that awakened her clan powers.  Faster, stronger, and more deadly than any human, she hunts the monsters that roam what is left of the Navajo lands, now known as the Dinétah, after a climate apocalypse.  But it’s not just monsters that wander the earth, so do gods and beings with power.

Drug out of self-imposed seclusion to help rescue a child who was taken by a monster, Maggie  finds more than just a simple case of search and rescue. Seeking out help from her dear friend and local Medicine Man Grandpa Tah, leads to the discovery of deadly witchcraft and a new partner, his grandson Kai Arviso.  Together, they work to find the one responsible for the deadly monsters and confront Maggie’s past in order to survive.

Maybe.  No promises on that one.

This is an amazing book.  Maggie is tough and impressive even without her clan powers-but the clan powers are amazing.  The balance of old myths and legends blending with post apocalyptic droughts and magic is just perfect.  I don’t want to live in that world-Hell. No. But I want to read all of it. Coyote the Trickster is here creating chaos.  There is a magical/mystical dance hall that shows up in the desert on it’s own schedule and is a popular place for all special beings.  Kai puts some silver paint on Maggie’s eyes which allows her to see what everyone looks like without their illusions-I would love to see that on screen or in a graphic novel version.  It’s an amazing part of the book. Many of the people have some animal characteristics-like the Feather People have feathers and the Big Deer People have huge antlers on their heads. The club itself is like the Tardis where space seems to change to fit what is inside and going underground still gives you a view of the sky.  

Maggie has a lot to overcome throughout the book.  Not just the horrible attack that awakens her powers and takes away her family, but also being apprenticed by a demigod during some very formative years and her whole identity being questioned then later on in life.  There are also a lot of relationships that shift and change and with all of her trust issues, it’s a rough ride.

I really enjoyed this book.  Luckily, there is a sneak peek at Book #2 in the back so there will be more.  

Trail of Lightning, by Rebecca Roanhorse is available now.

You can get your copy, and help support the site, here:

*Side note:  We're re-watching the entire Buffy the Vampire Slayer series and wow is that problematic!*

How many books fit in a mason jar?

6!  Well, six plus three comic books but The Kid took off with his comics before I could get a photo.  

I keep a "Fun Money" jar on my desk-it's a bright green Mason jar that I don't use for canning because marinara sauce looks really weird in colored jars.  Each time the jar gets full, we cash it in and find something fun to do.  


This time around, we hit our local independent bookstore and spent every last penny.  We had nearly $87 crammed into that jar and would have been right on budget had I not seen another beekeeping book for the Hubs.  Since I was buying an extra book specifically for him, it didn't matter that we went over.  I can justify any book purchase.

I was able to pick up six titles that I've been wanting to read but didn't have at our Library.  The Hubs only reads nonfiction so I tried to find a few that would interest us both.  I can always justify nonfiction purchases because he takes forever to read a book.  I will never understand how some people can read three pages and then move on to something else.  

If that's how you read, you do you.  

My final picks were:



Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, H is for Hawk by Helen Macdonald, Three Moments of an Explosion by China Mieville, Ghostwalk by Rebecca Stott, Black Fire by Robert Graysmith, and The Backyard Beekeeper by Kim Flottum.


Now I need to finish up the three books I borrowed from the Library, the four titles that are coming out in October, four other books I ordered online, and then I'll get to these.  

Well, that's the plan at least.  Having too many books read is the best kind of problem! 

How do you buy books?  Library sales?  Independent booksellers?  Online?