Toil & Trouble edited by Jessica Spotswood and Tess Sharpe

Toil & Trouble introduces us to 15 young women just coming in to their magical powers.  From love spells and healing hands to magical spells that write plays, this collection tells the stories of strong and powerful young women.  Covering different time periods and locations, the different stories in Toil & Trouble are both unique and unified.  

We meet Esperanza, a fashion icon who uses her social media prowess to spread her gift of astrology who finds her scientist soulmate during an online debate.  Deliverance Pond, a midwife in the 1600’s who witnesses an extraordinary birth. Mattie, a Priestess who uses her gift to solve a mystical crime. Our young and powerful witches use their gifts to empower, heal, and protect.

Consent, domestic abuse, sexual identity, family, school, boyfriends, girlfriends, best friends, body image-it’s all in here.  Each story was powerful and engaging and I was unable to put it down. Excellent collection!


Full disclosure:  I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for a review-all opinions are mine. This was an excellent book! 

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