New Releases for April 28, 2020

Happy Tuesday!

I swear it’s Tuesday, it may not feel like it, but it is. Publishing has gone all wonky and bananas so when I made this, the dates were accurate. Books are getting new release dates nearly everyday so double check before you purchase. Here’s your weekly round-up of new releases available today. Hit up your local indie or click on the covers for a Kindle link or more information about each title.

Happy Reading!

For the Kids:

For the Grown-ups:

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Don't Overthink It by Anne Bogel

Available Now

I have been a longtime listener of the book podcast What Should I Read Next and if you haven't heard it yet, I highly recommend it. For several years now, I have trusted Anne and her soft, perfect for radio voice, to provide me with quality books in genres I don't typically read. Anne is a big believer in how learning about your personality type can help you better understand yourself and has written a book on called Reading People. Her second book, I'd Rather be Reading, is a love letter to readers everywhere about the joys of falling in love with books.

When Anne announced on her podcast that she had a third book coming out, I instantly preordered it. And just to throw this out there,  she's a mom of 4 kids, runs a podcast, a website, and teaches online classes. How does she do it all? I'm ready for her to write that book!

Don't Overthink It is full of sound advice backed by research on how to stop stressing about decisions and instead, trust our instincts and experiences to guide us into making the right decision for us. Anne gives us examples from her own life on how the stress of overthinking decisions can lead to fatigue, exasperation, and spending time stressing instead of enjoying our lives.

With our world in such a state of chaos right now, I found this book to be the calming influence I need right now. School is cancelled for at least the next month which means now we're doing remote learning. Should I have The Kid stick to his regular school day schedule or be more flexible? Will being flexible lead to us not getting all of his work done in a timely manner? Would it better to spend the day hiking-far from other people in a remote park-or spend hours on the computer completing math and science assignments? How much screen time is too much? It can be overwhelming or I can trust his teachers will be understanding about the differing needs of families and know that not everything will get done on the day it's scheduled. One should never pass up the chance to go hiking in a park that is miraculously empty of people. That bottle calf named Mae Belle who joined the farm last week, she'll be the best teacher of consistency and needing to follow schedules because that little girl lets you know when she is hungry! She can just as easily teach him patience and empathy as any of his Social Emotional assignments can.

Don’t Overthink It allowed me the confidence to trust my instincts and quit stressing about the small stuff.  And, even some of the big stuff.

I thoroughly enjoyed this title and if you would like a copy for yourself, you can get yours here:

You can find more about Anne Bogel's podcast here:

You can find more about Anne Bogel here:

More books by Anne Bogel:

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases through affiliate links.

New Releases for April 21, 2020

Happy Tuesday!

I promise it’s Tuesday. It may not feel like Tuesday, but it is. My days have been a blur and a never ending cycle of laundry, dishes, feeding animals, and making sure The Kid stays alive. One bright spot in my week-New Book Day! It’s my favorite day of the week and this week is no exception. Here’s a round up of titles releasing today.

Happy Reading!

Grown-ups can go first this week:

For the kids:

By purchasing through the links, I earn from qualifying purchases as an Amazon Associate.

New Releases for April 14, 2020

Happy Tuesday!

New release day is about the only thing helping me keep track of what day it is. With The Kid out of school for the near future and the Library closed, there really isn’t a difference between Monday or Friday. Luckily for all of us, new books are still being released every week. With that said, release dates are changing for some titles, and I did my best to double check that each book featured here is actually being released today. Click on the covers for more information about each title.

For the Kids:

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Conjure Women by Afia Atakora

Available April 7, 2020

Conjure Women is a dark and beautifully written story about the power of women in a dark time in history. Set in the American South, Conjure Women spans generations to tell the history of three women living on the same plantation. May Belle, a powerful healing woman with the power to conjure curses has taught her daughter Rue the secrets of their position. When Rue's friendship with the master's daughter Varian threatens her safety, May Belle does what she can to protect her daughter. Those actions will change the women's lives forever.

This is a haunting story of family and the lengths we will go to protect the ones we love. Told in alternating points of view, the story unfolds slowly to reveal an intricately laid plan of revenge, hope, and fierce loyalty. The writing is incredibly beautiful and compelling, insisting the reader digests each word before moving on to the next. Atakora paints a vivid picture of village life and the complexities of the healer's place in society. Both feared and revered, May Belle and Rue both in their times, do their very best to keep the villagers safe and calm during the most trying times. When the villagers turned on Rue, I was so invested in her safety and well-being that I couldn't put the book down. I had to know how her story ended and learn the secrets of her tumultuous relationship with her mother.

Richly written, Conjure Women is a compelling story of family, loyalty, and closely held secrets. Best part, this Afia Atakora's first novel. I look forward to seeing more from this amazing author.

Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read and review this title.  All opinions and mistakes are my own.

If you would like a copy of Conjure Women for yourself, and help support the site, you can do so here:

More like Conjure Women:

Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert

Available Now

This book was the perfect comfort read during the shelter-in-place order issued by our governor.  I was looking for something that guaranteed a happily ever after with lots of fun and snark, and this book delivered on all points.

After a near death experience, Chloe Brown decides her safe and decidedly dull life needs some excitement. Creating a list of experiences that are sure to make her future eulogy far more interesting, Chloe is determined to check each box on the list-as soon as she feels up to it.  Struggling with fibromyalgia and chronic pain, Chloe spends much of her time managing her pain level and symptoms. When her seemingly prickly, but incredible handsome building superintendent Red finds her in a tree helping a scared kitten, the two set out on an unlikely friendship. Trading business consulting for help completing her list, Red and Chloe discover there is no way their relationship can remain strictly professional. Falling in love with a passionate artist wasn't on Chloe's list, but sometimes exceptions just have to be made.

This book is so good! This is one of those books that is equal parts light-hearted and emotional growth. Talia Hibbert does an excellent job at balancing out the hurt and trauma from horrible past relationships and the need and desire to be happy and live a full life.  The dialogue between Chloe and Red was perfect, and one of my favorite parts is the email exchange between the two discussing Red's website. Red has only ever seen Chloe at her less than best so to watch him draw out the fun and sassy side of her was incredibly entertaining. I also found everything so relatable-nothing was ever over the top or felt unnecessary. The story moves quickly with lots of insight into Chloe's daily life. I really loved how much care Hibbert took in describing the different ways that Chloe has had to adapt to her ever changing body and it's unpredictable aches and pains. As someone who has dealt with chronic pain for over six years, I understand how hard it is to balance out being clear minded but in pain, or being pain free but feeling high as a kite. It's hard to make a good impression on anyone when you're constantly exhausted and hurting. Red was so accepting of Chloe's needs and was just the most perfect, handsome, sexy artist.

Insert deep sigh here.

It's just a perfect book. That's it, that's the review. It's perfect. Get it, read it, tell me what you think of it.

I'm using this time of staying at home to balance out  my bookshelves.  I'm slowly working my way through my unread Book of the Month shelf and enjoying every minute of it.  Get a Life, Chloe Brown was my November 2019 pick and again, why did I wait to read it??? If you're interested in starting up a Book of the  Month membership, you can help us both out by using this link:

If you'd like a copy for yourself, and help support the site, you can grab one here:

More from Talia Hibbert:

More like Get a Life, Chloe Brown:

As always, purchasing through the links helps support the site as I am a member of the Amazon Associate Program.

New Releases for March 31, 2020

Happy Tuesday!

It’s a new week, whether it feels like it or not. I’m at home while the Library is closed for the next weeks and my days are really beginning to blur together. But, if your weeks start with New Book Day like me, here’s a round-up of new releases to keep you entertained.

Happy Reading!

For Kids:


For Not-Kids:

As always, purchasing through the links helps to support the site as I am a member of the Amazon Associate Program.

New Releases for Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Happy Tuesday!

It’s New Book Day! My favorite day of the week. Here is a collection of books that I have either ordered for the Library, for myself, or think you will be excited about. Click on the covers for more information about the title and as always, purchasing through the links helps support the site as I am a part of the Amazon Associate Program.

For the Kids:

For the Adults: