The Devil You Know by Kit Rocha

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The Mercenary Librarians and the Silver Devils are back in The Devil You Know, the next installment of USA Today and New York Times bestselling author Kit Rocha’s post-apocalyptic Action/Romance, with hints of Orphan Black and the Avengers

Maya has had a price on her head from the day she escaped the TechCorps. Genetically engineered for genius and trained for revolution, there’s only one thing she can’t do—forget.

Gray has finally broken free of the Protectorate, but he can’t escape the time bomb in his head. His body is rejecting his modifications, and his months are numbered.

When Maya’s team uncovers an operation trading in genetically enhanced children, she’ll do anything to stop them. Even risk falling back into the hands of the TechCorps.

And Gray has found a purpose for his final days: keeping Maya safe.

I absolutely adore this series! Kit Rocha has created a thrilling and dark world for their characters to navigate through as they continue their quest to save the people around them in a post-apocalyptic Atlanta. Maya is a technological genius who has used her skills to maintain their precious Library and provide those around her with the knowledge necessary to keep the community fed and safe. Of all the Mercenary Librarians, Maya is definitely my favorite. She doesn’t have the typical super strength and fighting skills the other Librarians and Silver Devils have, but what she does have is a perfect memory and a level of empathy that makes her the perfect addition to their crew and community. She’s also a gorgeously curvy and soft heroine who finds herself obsessed with book scanners. 

Her relationship with Gray develops in such a gentle and respectful way and is at complete odds with their surroundings. They have both been treated horribly in the past, and yes, horribly is a vast understatement, but are still able to overcome that abuse to develop a true level of trust. Also, these two show us that there is nothing sexier than consent. 

The Devil You Know also gives us a truly cathartic story of a really bad guy who gets all the consequences coming their way. There is some true justice served that is incredibly satisfying. 

This fast-paced, thrilling adventure is a perfect balance of dark and light. There is a true sense of community between the Mercenary Librarians and the Silver Devils that really shines in this novel. A little something that is much needed in our current climate. 

Intrigued? Want to add this amazing series to your collection? You can find ordering information here:

Mercenary Librarians Book 1

Mercenary Librarians Book 1

Mercenary Librarians Book 2

Mercenary Librarians Book 2

Thank you so much to Netgalley and Tor Books for the advanced copy of this title. All opinions and mistakes are my own. 

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My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones

Available Now

Reader Friends, every once in a while a book comes along and kicks you in the gut. It then follows through with an uppercut to the chin, a hook to the cheek, and a kick to the rear when you finally fall to the ground. Who am I kidding, I fell after the kick to the gut. 

My Heart is a Chainsaw embodies those feelings. It sweeps you up in a story of high school angst, fueled by the misunderstood, horror-obsessed chick with a complicated homelife. It then knocks you down with the reasons for her trauma, her obsession, her need to find escape and meaning in the Final Girl phenomenon of slasher films. Just when you think you’ve had all you can take, you’re given a reason to hope. But we all know that hope is fleeting in horror films and in books. 

Jade is so close to graduating high school and moving out of her tiny town and away from her drunken father. She can smell the bus ticket that will bring stress and uncertainty for her future, but it smells better than home. But then a night goes sideways and she finds herself drifting across a haunted lake with horror films on her mind and a course set for her final destination. But that course is interrupted and she ends up in a hospital only to be spit out weeks later into the same circumstances that brought her there. Now with her town being split into two castes; the rich in Terra Nova, and the workers in the small town of Proofrock who are building the new mansions, Jade finds herself face to face with an actual Final Girl. She’s everything a Final Girl should be and Jade takes it upon herself to equip the Final Girl with all the tools and knowledge necessary to save the town of Proofrock from an angry spirit that lives in the lake and is determined to kill all that comes in her path. 

But it won’t be easy.

Oh, this book! I want to wrap Jade up and make everything better even though that’s the last thing she would want. My Heart is a Chainsaw is complicated, thrilling, and nightmare-inducing. The characters are fully fleshed out people with histories and futures and the horrors inflicted on them is a living, breathing entity. This is an absolutely terrifying novel that needs to be on every horror fan’s bookshelf. 

Thank you so much to Netgalley and Gallery Books for the advanced copy of this title. All opinions and mistakes are my own.

Ready to add this book to your shelf? You can find ordering information here:


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Ghost Girl by Ally Malinenko

Available Now

Zee Puckett loves ghost stories. She just never expected to be living one.

It all starts with a dark and stormy night. When the skies clear, everything is different. People are missing. There’s a creepy new principal who seems to know everyone’s darkest dreams. And Zee is seeing frightening things: large, scary dogs that talk and maybe even . . . a ghost.

When she tells her classmates, only her best friend Elijah believes her. Worse, mean girl Nellie gives Zee a cruel nickname: Ghost Girl.

But whatever the storm washed up isn’t going away. Everyone’s most selfish wishes start coming true in creepy ways.

To fight for what’s right, Zee will have to embrace what makes her different and what makes her Ghost Girl. And all three of them—Zee, Elijah, and Nellie—will have to work together if they want to give their ghost story a happy ending.

I absolutely adore this book! Filled with delightfully spooky elements, fierce friendships, and a complicated family life, Ghost Girl is a dark adventure perfect for middle grade readers. Zee is an outsider. Picked on by the class bully Nellie, Zee spends most of her time with her best friend Elijah. Together, the two of them can overcome anything, even the strange events that seem to coincide with the arrival of their new principal, Principal Scratch. People around town are acting strangely and suddenly, the rumors about Zee’s mother having the ability to speak to ghosts don’t seem so far-fetched. As tensions increase around town, Zee and Elijah must work together with an unlikely ally to save their town from the dark and sinister Principal Scratch.

This book is very relatable to young readers. There are many different types of families and living situations represented in Ghost Girl. Zee and her sister are living on their own after their father leaves town to look for work. Elijah has a mother who is battling mental illness and a father who is constantly criticizing him and desperately wants his son to live the same the childhood fueled by football that he had. Nellie, a spoiled bully, has parents who seem to be uninterested in her and pay her little attention, but do shower her in the latest clothes and tech.

I really enjoyed the creepy school principal elements. The author has imbued Principal Scratch with all the characteristics of a shady motivational speaker who is secretly trying to take over the town. Watching the principal quickly worm his way into the hearts and minds of the members of the town was eerie and disconcerting. The entire town is filled with a weirdness that is hard to put your finger on and helps to enhance the overall haunted feel of the story.

Ghost Girl is an excellent spine-chilling read for middle grade readers. It has the right amount of spookiness to draw readers in and a fast-paced plot that will keep them engage.

Thank you so much to Katherine Tegen Books for sending me a beautiful copy of this book. All mistakes and opinions are completely my own. Interested in putting this amazing book into the hands of your favorite middle grade reader? You can find ordering information here:

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Velvet Was The Night by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

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Set in 1970’s Mexico City, Maite spends her days as a secretary and her evenings alone with her favorite serial romance comics. As the city becomes consumed with student protests and political unrest, Maite escapes into her romances and crafting tales of a glamourous, but non-existent, love life to regale her co-workers with. When the glamorous and beautiful Lenora moves in next door, Maite is both intrigued and extremely put out by her request to watch her cat while she’s away for a few days. When Lenora doesn’t return on time, and with Maite’s payment, Maite has no choice but to track her down and collect the money owed to her. 

What she doesn’t expect is to cross paths with a hitman who is also looking for Lenora and get drawn into the darker side of politics and dirty government officials. But Elvis isn’t just any goon, he’s a man tired of violence and wants nothing more than a life outside of crime. 

Both Elvis and Maite are complex and intriguing characters. I found Maite very hard to like which made reading her character even more enjoyable. She was prickly, obsessed with the characters in her comics, and felt she was immensely better than the people around her. She constantly lied about her personal life, had a difficult relationship with her family, and was also a petty thief who regularly stole from her neighbors. It’s very, very hard to like or relate to someone like that but I found her absolutely fascinating. Add in a mob henchman who is obsessed with Elvis Presley, rock and roll, and is an avid reader, you get a fascinating combination of characters. The mystery behind Lenora, her identity and her disappearance, was really well done and I loved how Maite’s obsession with her drove the story.   

Engrossing, thrilling, and filled with complex and interesting characters, Velvet Was The Night is a dark historical that will keep you guessing with every twist and turn.  

Thank you to Netgalley and Del Rey for the opportunity to read and review this title. All opinions and mistakes are my own. 

If you would like to add this amazing book to your collection, you can find ordering information here:  


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A Psalm for the Wild Built by Becky Chambers

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I recently listened to the latest episode of Smart Podcast, Trashy Books where Becky Chambers spoke of wanting to write a book that would be like “sending a hug out into the world.” Chambers definitely delivered that warm hug with A Psalm for the Wild Built. In a world that has turned the corner from near climate devastation, a monk has found themselves wanting to make a vocational change and start a new journey as a tea monk. After a slightly rocky start, Dex becomes one of the most popular tea monks in the area. Helping people talk through their struggles and sadness, finding the perfect cup of tea to meet their needs, and traveling from town to town is both exciting and emotionally draining. When Dex begins to feel overwhelmed, they strike out on a spontaneous journey to find an old hermitage in the mountains. Along the way, they encounter a robot. A real, honest-to-goodness robot named Mosscap who has  just met his first real, honest-to-goodness human. Together, the two begin a journey that will take them into the unknown wilds of Panga, and the unknown territory of a robot and human friendship. 

This is such a lovely story set in an imaginative new world. Panga, the world’s one continent is carefully divided into areas for human living and carefully protected wildlife. Balance between the humans and the living world has been found and the people now treat their world with reverence and respect. Chambers has created a world that understands the need for tech for things like communication and data storage, and strives to learn from the devastation that an oil-fueled civilization had on the planet. 

Dex and Mosscap are wonderful and interesting characters. Together, they explore what it means to be human, what it means to evolve, and what it means to be brave. Mosscap is a gentle and enthusiastic robot who loves to learn about everything. Absolutely everything! Their fascination with Dex’s belongings and confusion about many of their actions played out in a delicate balance between child-like wonder and old-soul wisdom. Dex is an incredibly relatable  person who could be from any planet and from any time. Dex is struggling to find their place in the world, their purpose in life, and unsure of why they never feel fulfilled. 

I loved this little book and can’t wait to see what Chambers comes up with next in the series. Will there be more adventures with Dex and Mosscap? Will we get to meet other robots? Explore more of Panga? I know I’ll be watching for book 2.

If you would like to add this lovely novella to your bookshelf, you can find ordering information here: 


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Paper & Blood by Kevin Hearne

Book 2 in the Ink & Sigil Series

Available Now

Al, Buck, and Nadia are back and this time, they are battling supernatural beings in the wildly beautiful Australia. 

When the local sigil agent goes missing in Australia, Al and Buck immediately prepare for a search and rescue mission. Armed with sigils and the sharp wit of a hobgoblin, Al and Buck find themselves embroiled in a much larger conspiracy involving the Iron Druid, a God, and finally let us in on a few secrets about our mythical monsters. 

*Spoiler!* It’s Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster! We finally get her secrets! 

Hearne has delivered another action-packed joy ride full of humor and sharp dialogue. In this latest installment, we get even more insight into the lives and lore of Celtic legends and discover that there may be more to Al’s secretary, Gladys Who Has Seen Some Shite, than previously known. One thing I love about Hearne’s writing is how his characters are not annoying all-knowing creatures who can come across as talking down to readers. Al truly doesn’t know what’s going on with Gladys and the missing sigil agents' curious connections to the Iron Druid. As Al learns about the connections, the reader does as well. I dig that. 

This book is absolutely laugh-out-loud hilarious. Buck is one of my favorite characters, and his ability to bring levity to some pretty dire situations was quite a feat. His love of stolen whiskey and cheese and powers of spicy peppers bring so much fun and joy to the story. I also really enjoyed how Nadia gets to showcase her amazing fighting skills and all-around kick-buttness as she helps save the day again.  Also, with Atticus entering the scene, now known as Conner, we get to spend some time with our favorite good dugs Oberon and Starbuck, and as always, they are an absolute delight.

This is a solid second book in the series and I can’t wait to see what happens next. I’m hoping Gladys is the focus of the next book but I completely understand if she remains a mystery forever. 

If you would like to add this book to your collection, you can find ordering information here:


Thank you to Netgalley and Del Rey for the opportunity to read and review this title. All opinions and mistakes are my own. 

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A Good Day for Chardonnay by Darynda Jones

Available Now!

CW: sexual assault, murder, child abduction, and death of a parent.

Reader Friends, I cannot express to you how much I love this author. I fell in love with the snark, sarcasm, and witty banter during the Charley Davidson series and stayed for the steaming hot spiciness that is the Charley and Reyes Farrow relationship. All of that deliciousness was brought back for her latest mystery series centered around Sheriff Sunshine Vicram. A Good Day For Chardonnay is book two in the series and you really should read the series in order to fully appreciate it. That said, if you haven’t read book one, start with A Bad Day for Sunshine and then meet me back here.

Between shaking off annoying suitors set up by her parents, a rascally raccoon named Randy who is terrorizing the police force, and a daughter intent on solving the murders seemingly committed by a local serial killer, Sheriff Sunshine Vicram is a bit busy. Oh, don’t forget the bar fight that nearly kills the love of her life and possibly leads to clues in a years old kidnapping case. Wait, there’s also the prisoner who claims to know what truly happened that day, years ago, when Sunshine herself was kidnapped and the true identity of her daughter’s father.

It’s a lot to take in and in true Sunshine fashion, she stumbles through it all with gallons of coffee, several glasses of chardonnay, and with the help of her loyal friends and family who she would gladly die for. Really, I think she has a t-shirt that says so.

I thoroughly enjoyed this second installment of the Sunshine Vicram mystery series. In classic Darynda Jones fashion, A Good Day for Chardonnay tackles intense crimes such as kidnapping, sexual assault, and murder with the perfect amount of levity to keep the story from going too dark. Her characters are incredibly relatable and human and you can feel the pressures they face as they try to solve crimes, raise children, and just live in the world. Sunshine is still trying to regain her memories of the time she was kidnapped at 17 and the identity of the person who rescued her. The complexity of her feelings over not remembering that experience, wanting to move on with her life and pursue a relationship with Levi, and protect her daughter from the trauma of learning she may be the child of rape really influences so many of her decisions. You can feel her frustration in wanting to move on with her life but not feeling like she can trust her judgement. But because Sunshine is a true badass, she manages to deal with all of that emotional stress while also solving major crimes and I love that Jones creates such powerful and complex female characters. One of my favorite parts of this series, and Jones’ writing, is the friendships found within the books. Sunshine and Quincy are absolute ride-or-die and their interactions made me jealous of not being in their group text.

A Good Day for Chardonnay is hilarious, heartfelt, and a delightfully witty tale of friendship, loyalty, and the lengths people will go to find justice for those they love. I cannot recommend this series enough and if you would like to dive into this amazing series, you can find ordering information here:


This post contains affiliate links and I may earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read and review this title. All opinions and mistakes are my own.

The Book of Accidents by Chuck Wendig

Available Now

The Book of Accidents is one of the creepiest, thrilling, and twisted novels I’ve read in quite some time. After the death of his abusive father, Nate and his family see inheriting the house in the country as a fresh start, be it very reluctantly on Nate’s part. As his wife Maddie settles into her new space with grand plans for an art studio, flashes from her past intertwine with disturbing occurrences that leave her unsettled and questioning her own sanity. Their son Oliver, sensitive and strongly empathetic to those around him, finally finds a group of friends at his new high school, only to find himself the focus of the school bully. When Oliver is saved from a violent encounter by a dark and disturbing teen named Jake, Oliver finds the two of them beginning an unsettling but close friendship. Meanwhile, Nate is encountering his own mysterious events out in the woods as the newest game warden. 

As the family tries to settle new roots, a dark force that has plagued the area for years has settled on them to be it’s latest victims and will stop at nothing to get what it wants. 

Wendig has crafted an intricate story that delves into the darkest traumas of its characters, while also remaining hopeful about the power of love. The Book of Accidents combines the very best of horror: the dark history of an abusive family, a mysterious power intent on domination, characters with strange and unexplained powers, and a magical book. Oh, how I love a magical book that can threaten all of mankind. Wendig’s masterful writing seamlessly blends horror, science fiction, and fantastical elements into a layered and complex story that will pull you in and keep you immersed until the very last page. 

I absolutely loved this book and went on to rave shamelessly about it to all that would listen. This should be on the radar for all horror and science fiction lovers.

If you would like to add this amazing title to your shelf, you can find ordering information here:


Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read and review this title. All opinions and mistakes are my own. 

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Neon Gods by Katee Robert

Available now

I vividly remember checking out the same books on greek mythology over and over again from my local library when I was finally old enough to walk there on my own. They were small blue hardcovers and contained the basic stories of all the gods and goddesses and I was hooked. I have read some great retellings, Alisha Rai wrote a great one, and I was intrigued to see what Katee Robert’s take on the Hades and Persephone story. Especially a take that includes a wealth of rich people problems. 

The city of Olympus, divided into the upper and lower city by the River Styx, is ruled by the Thirteen. Thirteen Gods and Goddesses, titles given through birth or election, who control the economic interests and laws of Olympus. The Thirteen revel in their wealth and power and most are willing to go to any lengths to increase that power. When Persephone Dimitrou, daughter of Demeter, is engaged against her will to the known wife-killer Zeus, she flees the glamorous party on foot. Discovering she is being followed, she kicks off her heels and flees for her life. Crossing the River Styx places her in Hades’ territory but as he is nothing more than a myth, Persephone takes her chances in the lower city. 

The last thing that Persephone expected to find was a large, growling, incredibly handsome man intent on carrying her to safety and bandaging her feet himself. The man who should be nothing more than a myth, is now her best chance for survival and way out of Olympus for good. Hades sees Persephone as the perfect weapon to exact revenge against Zeus for killing his father decades before. Together, Hades and Perspehone develop a plan that will benefit them both: a very public and sex-driven fake-dating scheme to show the Thirteen that Persephone now belongs to Hades. 

As the two plot their scheme, ripples begin to form in the powerful connections between the Thirteen and the citizens who fall under their rule. When Demeter threatens to cut off supplies to the lower city, Hades must do all he can to protect his people. The harder he works to protect those around him, the more Persephone discovers that he is much more than the intimidating and ruthless gangster that so many make him out to be. Hades exposes Persephone to more than just life in the lower city, he also shows her the powerful attraction of unbridled passion and public erotic play. 

Robert created an intriguing world for the Thirteen to rule. To me, it felt like a take on Gotham City. There are the exclusive and wealthy high rises filled with penthouse suites and security details, but also high levels of crime and tensions between the areas governed by different gods. Persephone grows up believing the lower city is somehow more crime ridden and depressed than it actually is. She is shocked to find something that feels far more like an idyllic small town filled with small shops and cafes. There is a sense of underlying magic in both parts of the city. There is a force within the River Styx that prevents unwilling crossing and many of the buildings have a distinct sense of history and age with them, but people also have cell phones and credit cards that can be frozen. There’s a lot of discussion about trust funds and high end fashion, but also Hermes is able to perfectly mimic the voices of the people she carries messages for. It’s very interesting how the author blends the mythology with the present day and I’m curious to see how the series plays out in the future. 

This is my first Katee Robert romance so I’m far from an expert on how Neon Gods lands on her steam scale. This is definitely a hot and highly erotic romance.  Hades loves kink and loves public displays of sex. When he discovers that Persephone intends to use that to her advantage, he takes great care to introduce her to the rules and expectations that level of kink comes with. It doesn’t take long for the two to genuinely fall for eachother, and they fall hard

There is a great cast of side characters that I hope will all have their own books. It was really fun to watch grumpy Hades clean up after the hard partying of Hermes and Dionysus. Hades doesn’t want friends, or the responsibility of having friends, but Hermes and Dionysus don’t seem to care. They are going to be there whether he wants them or not. Persephone’s sisters are all distinct forces on her life and they’re hatred of the Thirteen should make for some interesting plot lines in the future. 

Overall, this is one great book! I plowed through this in a day and loved every minute of it. It’s fast paced, very steamy, and has great characters. I loved watching Persephone and Hades fall in love and I can’t wait to see what happens next. 

If you would like to add this amazing book to your shelf, you can find ordering information here: 


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The Library of the Dead by T.L. Huchu

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I am a sucker for any book with “library” in the title. Add in “the dead” and I’m instantly intrigued. It’s science. 

Set in a complex and strange near future, The Library of the Dead, is a genre-bending mix of fantasy, post-apocalyptic dystopia and mystery. With all that it has going on, it would be easy to stray off course, but Huchu keeps the story tight and the characters never stray from the world’s rules that have been crafted for them. 

After losing their home, Ropa, along with her sister and grandmother move into their caravan and are barely making ends meet. With her grandmother’s ailing eyesight and her sister still being quite young, it’s up to Ropa to make enough money relaying messages from the dead to the families they left behind. It’s also up to Ropa to run all errands, maintain the caravan, and protect her family. Needless to say, Ropa has a lot of responsibility and it is really, really starting to wear on her. But, Ropa is also incredibly smart and loyal and does all she can to protect her grandmother and sister from the stress. 

When a deceased mother begs for Ropa to find her missing son, Ropa is more than hesitant to take on a non-paying job. But as mysterious occurrences around town begin to point to a larger child abduction operation, Ropa quickly realizes that if she doesn’t help the children, no one will. It’s through her investigation that Ropa discovers her best friend Jomo has begun to work at a private and prestigious Library. When she convinces him to sneak her in so she can utilize the Library for her investigation, the two are quickly caught and Ropa has somehow defied a death sentence to become a member of the mysterious Library. Upon meeting Priya, a powerful healer who herself is confined to a magical wheelchair, Ropa finds a fast and loyal friend. But as much as Ropa would love to lose herself in the immense collection of occult knowledge found within the Library, she has bills to pay and missing children to find. 

Ropa’s sharp instincts and keen intellect save her from one near death experience after another. I was immediately drawn to her no-nonsense attitude and fierce love for her family and friends. Ropa’s world is similar to our own, full of economic disparity and power imbalances. Even the magical power and knowledge is reserved for those with wealth and connections. Ropa has no problem with pointing out the unfairness of it all and it’s her lack of refinement, and amazing courage,  that let her get by with calling out the members of the Library for their unwillingness to help her find the missing children. But Ropa does find a few allies within the Library and I really hope that books are written in this world so we can find out more about the Library’s history and I would love to see how much change Ropa could bring as she gets older and more powerful in her magical ability. 

I thoroughly enjoyed The Library of the Dead and if you are interested in adding this wonderful adventure to your shelves, you can find ordering information here:


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The Midnight Bargain by C. L. Polk

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This is so good! So, so good.

Set in a world where magic is studied and practiced, The Midnight Bargain introduces us to a secret world of women who defy social standards to become powerful sorceresses.

The Bargaining Season is just beginning and instead of focusing on pursuing a powerful marriage, Beatrice Clayborn is on the hunt for grimoires. When her latest find lands in the hands of the wealthy and regal Ysbeta Lavan instead of her own, Beatrice knows that she must use any means to get the book back. When the two women eventually discover they are pursuing the same goals, they work together to increase their magical skills and avoid the marriage mart as much as possible. What Beatrice isn't expecting to find, is an ally in Ysbeta's brother Ianthe. In Llanandari, Ysbeta's and Ianthe's home country, women are trained in sorcery and treated more as equals to men than they are in Beatrice's home of Chasland. As the three become close friends, Beatrice makes her case for equality and Ianthe slowly begins to realize why his sister and Beatrice are so resistant to marriage and the dreaded magic-dampening warding collars they will be forced to wear until they have left their childbearing years. Set amid glittering ballrooms, extravagant picnics, and acres of silken ballgowns, The Midnight Bargain is a gorgeous story of friendship, romance, and bringing the patriarchy to it's knees.

I absolutely loved this book! I read it in a single sitting and was thrilled to discover that it's the first in a new series. Polk has set her characters in a world similar to Regency England but with magic as a known element. It is filled with young women being used as bargaining chips to create powerful alliances through marriage but without any benefits to the women. Beatrice discovers that her father's business losses are far greater than she was led to believe and her marriage is crucial to saving her family's finances. Instead of listening to Beatrice's astute business advice, she is criticized for discussing "men's business" and is reminded repeatedly, that she is a silly woman and no one will ever listen to her. What her family doesn't know is that she has been pursuing sorcery to increase her chances of becoming her father's business partner instead of being forced into a world where she will be forced to wear a warding collar and do nothing but bear children. Beatrice is a really interesting character. She is both a powerful sorceress and intelligent, but so focused on her goals that she doesn't notice much of what goes on around her. She often comes off as naïve, but she is incredibly driven.

Beatrice and Ysbeta develop a close and powerful friendship throughout the book. They both have the same goal-become a sorceress and avoid marriage, but for different reasons. Ysbeta is used to freedom and has seen her own mother become incredibly powerful in society and create the family great wealth. But if she agrees to the marriage of a wealthy Chasland man, she will loose all of her rights, property, and power she has worked so hard to obtain. Beatrice truly loves magic and wants to learn all she can. She truly believes that there must be a way to solve the problem of spirits overtaking the unborn children of a sorceress. Beatrice also really has a head for business and as a wife, no one will ever take her seriously. The way these two take on smashing the patriarchy is a beautiful thing to behold.

As the two friends are working on their schemes, they are forced into following the social calendar of the Bargaining Season. This book is teeming with balls, dinners, charity picnics and dress fittings. Beatrice is constantly reminded how important it is that she move the family up the social ladder and her younger sister is always quick to point out the expense the family has gone to make Beatrice alluring to a wealthy man. Beatrice is constantly reminded what high society thinks of her social climbing family-and she's quick to put some arrogant men in their place. It's great.

I truly loved this book and I am so excited that there will be more books! This book has a great ending and really sets up book two to be really exciting.

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If you want to add this book to your collection, you can find ordering information here:

Thank you to Netgalley and Erewhon Books for the opportunity to read and review this title. All opinions and mistakes are my own. This post contains affiliate links and I earn from qualifying purchases.

Island Queen by Vanessa Riley

Available Now

*CW: This book is based on the real life of a formerly enslaved woman who endured sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, as well as rampant racism and sexism. Read with care.

Based on the true life story of Dorothy ¨Doll¨ Kirwan Thomas, Island Queen is a compelling, gripping, and emotional novel. Told through her point of view, Doll narrates a tale that is both stunning in its cruelty and oppression, as well as the fortitude and determination she has in protecting and ensuring her family’s safety and freedom. It is a sweeping tale that shows Doll’s journey to freedom and economic success as well as the history of the Caribbean and the effects of colonialism and racism. 

I loved reading the story of Dorothy and was immediately drawn to her no-nonsense attitude and unwillingness to fail. Everything that Doll did, she did with her whole heart and a sense of true purpose. She dreamed big as a child and never gave up on that hope, no matter the cruelty and unfairness that was forced upon her. Doll’s story is one that shows how powerful hope and determination can be, but also more importantly, how hard people of color in history have had to work to be seen merely as people.  Throughout the story, Doll asks her father repeatedly why he won’t buy the freedom of her mother and siblings and he never has a good point. To grow up knowing you are truly owned by your parent?  To live through the repeated sexual, physical, and emotional abuse by family members and to have no recourse? I can’t even begin to imagine. Doll was able to live through all that trauma to become one of the Caribbean’s wealthiest women of her time and create an empire. Her story is just as fascinating as it is frustrating and enraging that this treatment was ever inflicted on anyone. But with all that said, this is not a sad tale. Doll goes on to have ten children, fall in love, and create an economic empire that ensures her family lives in luxury because as the title suggests, Doll was a true Island Queen.

I would highly recommend this to historical fiction lovers, as well as those wanting to read more books based on women in history.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book. All mistakes and opinions are my own. 

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