Re-post: Ink & Sigil by Kevin Hearne

The sequel to this fun and fantastical adventure, Paper & Blood, comes out on Tuesday and while I’m only half through it, I’m loving it just as much as the first book. So far it’s an absolute delight and if you haven’t had a chance to read Book 1, grab it now so you’re ready for Book 2 on Tuesday.

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I was so delighted to learn that Hearne was going back to the Iron Druid world. I loved the humor, friendship, and the way mythology was brought to life in a contemporary world. In Ink & Sigil, we enter the world of Aloysius MacBharrais, a sigil agent on the hunt to discover who has been killing off his apprentices. But while investigating his apprentice’s death, Al must avoid the actual investigators who seem very suspicious about the number of deaths that seem to follow in Al’s wake. With a hobgoblin as an unlikely ally, Al must navigate the dark underbelly of Scotland’s magical underworld. 

Reading a Kevin Hearne novel is always a wild ride. He is able to deftly blend bawdy humor, magical duels, and imaginative world building into a thoroughly enjoyable reading experience. It has the fun and warmth in creating a found family but also the danger and mystery that surrounds Al’s sigil magic. Secret societies, magical creatures, lots of delicious sounding boozy drinks, and an interesting blend of characters make for a fast paced and exciting read.  

Al was a very interesting character. Bearing a curse that causes anyone who hears his voice to fiercely hate him, Al spends much of his time communicating through a text to speech on his phone. He’s also in his 60s and has all the limitations that come with living a dangerous life for most of your 60 years. He is able to surround himself with loyal friends and employees and takes their loyalty seriously.  Nadia, his business manager and battle seer, keeps up his public image as a printshop owner during the day and helps him coordinate with hackers and other, slightly illegal characters, at night. The story behind their first meeting is quite the adventure I really love how creative Hearne can be.

There’s also a wonderful little hobgoblin that finds himself caught up in all of Al’s adventures I loved how hilarious their interactions were.

Ink & Sigil is full of the mayhem, destruction, and magical battles found in the Iron Druid series and I loved every single page.

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If you would like a copy for yourself, you can grab one here:

Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read and review this title. All opinions and mistakes are my own. This post contains affiliate links and I earn from qualifying purchases.