Nightingale by Amy Lukavics

I could not put this book down! Suspenseful, terrifying, and with a mind-bending ending, this book kept me up way past my bedtime.

It’s 1951 and June Hardie wants to do more with her life than learn how to cook, clean, and be a good little wife. While her mother is determined to keep June powdered and lipsticked, June dreams of being a writer. Instead of supporting June’s dreams, her parents are using her to date the son of a potential business partner as a way to further her family’s place in society. But before June is able to leave town and pursue her goals, a horrible betrayal completely upends her life.

Now June finds herself in a mental institution surrounded by troubled young women. How did she get here? Why hasn't her family come to visit? Why don't the other women remember their lives before the institution? Why does she receive treatments without ever seeing the doctor? Will she ever leave? June is left with more questions than answers as she tries to survive in her new surroundings all while trying to investigate how she ended up in the institution in the first place.

This book was amazing! All of the twists and turns really keep the story moving. As it becomes more difficult to tell the truth from June’s delusions, the story goes from creepy to truly terrifying.

Nightingale by Amy Lucaviks is available September 25th from Harlequin TEEN. Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book. All opinions are my own.

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