New Today: December 17, 2019

Happy Tuesday!

If you are someone who celebrates Christmas and has a few gifts for younger readers left to buy, you’re in luck! There are some really fun early readers coming out today. Not much for the grown-ups, but it’s the end of the year and a good time to pick up some books from earlier in the year you may have missed.

P.S. If you are someone who likes to give donations during this time of year, ask your local Library if there’s anything they would really love but can’t find room in the budget for. I know I have a HUGE list of books for the youth department that I would love to have on the shelf, but my budget only stretches so far.

On to the Books!

For the younger reader:

For the grown-ups:

As always, purchasing books through the links helps support the site. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.