The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams

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I was listening to a bookish podcast, sorry don’t remember which one, and they were discussing this book and giggling so hard they could hardly talk.  That is how you sell a book! I was laughing right along with them and I hadn’t even read it yet! I did, however, immediately put it on hold from my Library.  Luckily, it came just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday and I spent a few hours post-turkey wrapped up in the hilarious love story of Gavin and Thea and I couldn’t have been happier.  

This book is an absolute delight from start to finish.  I spent half of it giggling, half of it laughing, and maybe a tiny portion slightly worried about Gavin’s ability to get Thea back but I knew he could do it.  After Gavin finds out his wife faked a performance in bed, his confidence is shattered. Moving into the guest room and drowning himself in work only tears their marriage apart and Gavin ends up in a hotel room drowning his sorrows in bourbon.  Luckily for him, he fellow teammates show up with a plan to win Thea back-he will become a member of the Bromance Book Club and learn through romance novels how to be a better husband. Gavin is skeptical of the plan but with literally nothing left to lose, he tries his best to follow their rules and dig through his own insecurities to become a better friend, lover, and husband.  

This book has all the things:

  • Great main characters

  • Hilarious side characters

  • A leading lady who doesn’t take any crap

  • Snarky one liners like, “Okay, Lord Tight Pants...Tell me what to do next.”

  • Oh no! We have to stay in a hotel with only bed!

  • Fast paced storytelling

I really appreciated the conversations about how Gavin and Thea didn’t have a conventional dating to marriage relationship.  Shortly after meeting, Thea becomes pregnant with twins and Gavin is thrilled and proposes. They have a quickie wedding and Gavin is back on the road traveling with his baseball team.  Thea is now a mother and public figure as Gavin’s new wife so her every move is critiqued by fans and other wives and girlfriends. She can’t stand most of the other wives and feels left behind when her art career is put on hold to be a solo mom with Gavin gone so much.  What looks like a fairytale can actually be something quite different in real life.  

The other guys on the team were absolutely hilarious. They help Gavin learn to flirt-one of the best scenes, and how to quit being such a dude and get real with his feelings.  Gavin is his worst enemy in most situations and them slapping him back to reality was quite fun to read.  

I loved this book!  I’m getting back into reading more romance and this book was just perfect.  I cannot recommend it highly enough and I would love to hear what you think of it.

If you’d like to get a copy for yourself, you can grab one here:

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