Theme Music by T. Marie Vandellay

Theme Music by T. Marie Vandellay 

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Content warning:  Seriously gruesome and detailed descriptions of violence and violence against children. 

Theme Music is one of the most banapants books I’ve read this year.  When Dixie Wheeler’s family home comes up for sale, she jumps on the chance to buy it back.  But Dixie’s house is a stigmatized property; it’s the house where her father brutally murdered her entire family when she was only 1 year old.   Leaving out this key fact from her boyfriend Garrett leads to Dixie moving in to the house on her own. With the help of crime scene photos and an uncle who died leaving the contents of the house in storage, Dixie meticulously reconstructs the house as it was before the murders.  Strange noises, objects moving around the house, and an overwhelming feeling of oppression lead Dixie to believe that the house may be haunted by her murdered family members. When a reporter comes to the house seeking an interview, Dixie’s reaction triggers a life altering series of events that will lead Dixie to question her entire childhood and everything about her family’s murders.  

This is one of those books that’s really hard to discuss without giving out any spoilers.  T. Marie Vandellay does an impeccable job of keeping you wondering page after page about what the hell is going on?!?  Is Dixie dealing with a mental illness? Is her family trying to communicate from beyond the grave? If her father didn’t murder her father as some believe, who did? Why?  There were a few parts that I had to suspend belief and the dialogue was a little stilted in parts, but overall it was a horror-filled, suspenseful page turner.  

If you would like to try out this bloody good thriller, grab your copy here:  


Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read and review this title. All opinions are my own.

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