/In April, we lost our little pug Dory and that loss left a giant hole in our hearts. She worked at the Library with me every day, visiting patrons and delighting the kids in the youth department. She was full of life and personality and while she loved nearly everyone, she definitely had her favorites. She was also my husband’s Pretty Little Princess and was hands down his favorite dog.
In October, we met this guy:
Theo at his first shawnee national forest vacation
Theodore was only 4 months old when we brought him home. All my plans for my newly relaxed schedule went completely out the window. I left my job at the Library to help balance my time raising our growing cattle herd and becoming the world’s Best Unpaid Intern at our partner’s farm with The Kid’s increasingly busy activity schedule, but instead it really became a full time job of teaching a curious little puppy not to chase the cows and horses.
So, between a new puppy, prepping a house for sale, a busy kid, and the holidays, I have had approximately 4 minutes to do something besides work. But, things are slowly starting to slow back down. For once, we don’t have an active renovation project (for at least a month) and the puppy is nearly potty trained so I should be able to get back on track with posting more book recs and my rambling reviews.
In 2024, I want to keep up my reading goal of not having any reading goals. I don’t want the pressure of finishing a certain number of books and I can never stick with any system of tracking everything I read. But, I would like to read through more of my own collection and focus on borrowing from the Library instead of focusing on new releases and advanced copies. If I’ve learned anything from my short time working in a Library, it’s that there more books published in a day than anyone could ever read in a lifetime and trying to stay current is an impossible task. My new Library has a much broader selection of audio and ebooks, as well as a huge physical collection, and I’ve been cranking through nearly a book a day on audio while many of my favorite podcasts were on holiday hiatus and I have loved many of them. So, be prepared for more regular posts (puppy willing) and I hope we all have a wonderful reading year.