It's been a while

So, what’s everyone been reading lately?

It wasn’t my intention to stop posting last year, but it’s amazing what changing jobs, a new puppy, a kitchen remodel, and just, everything, can do to your reading life. Tracking my reading just wasn’t a priority and honestly, I ran into so many duds last year, it was starting to get pretty discouraging and I really didn’t want to start posting duds. I want this place to stay postive and share only amazing and super enjoyable books. Even with all the duds, I did find some real gems this past fall and I can’t wait to share them you. But reader beware: I read a ton of horror and super sexy romance. These reviews are going to be all over the place!

According to The StoryGraph, I did track 64 books. If you haven’t checked out The StoryGraph yet, I highly recommend. So many pretty graphs! It’s definitely my favorite way to track my reading and is by far the easiest for me to be consistent with.

I think consistent is going to be my word for 2025. I have several things I’d like to be more consistent with and sharing the books I love is one of them. As well as my yoga practice, daily walks, and puppy training. Fingers crossed I can make it all happen!

See you next week!