Guillotine by Delilah S. Dawson

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While this is not my first read of 2025, I actually read this in September, it feels like a very prescient book to share now. If you love a “Horrible Rich Person Gets What They Deserve” book, this is exactly what you need. Delilah S. Dawson has become an auto-buy author of mine because she is so skillful at crafting stories that are horrifying, humorous, and still oddly hopeful. The day I read this, I was with my favorite small child who had stayed home from school with the sniffles, and while we watched too many children’s movies, I gleefully read through this insane thrill ride of a book and trust me, it was a wild reading experience.

Guillotine is a short read, just 196 pages, and it is so packed with action that it just flies by. It is full of horrible people, and a few not-so-horrible people, who make life horrible for the people around them, making horrible decisions and horrible things happen to them. It’s intensely violent. It’s bloody, gory, vividly detailed, and also…cathartic? It’s a wild and incredible ride and I can’t recommend it enough. It’s one of those incredible books that makes you wonder if you should be giggling at such a horrifying scene, but the scene was genuinely funny! It’s a fantastic book that if you find yourself loving it as much as me, let’s be friends ;)

Happy Reading!

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Sign Here by Claudia Lux

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This book is another “Why Did I Wait So Long To Read” Book of the Month pick. You would think that a book set on the fifth floor of Hell would be an immediate read for me and you would be correct. But like many people, I sometimes like to save a book that I know is perfect because it’s my favorite way to get out of a reading slump. And yes, this book did just that.

Peyote Trip works in the Deals Department on the fifth floor of Hell. Surrounded by pens that don’t work, annoying coworkers, endless paperwork, and Jagermeister as the only alcohol available, it’s actually a pretty good job. Peyote is set to land his first Complete Set, a major accomplishment in his line of work. While we follow Peyote on his quest to complete this goal, we are introduced to the Harrison family, the family that will give Peyote his first Complete Set. Silas and Lily Harrison are high school sweethearts who are raising their two children, Mickey and Sean. When the Harrison’s go on their annual summer vacation at the family’s vacation home, they bring along Mickey’s new best friend Ruth.

No one was prepared for Ruth.

Like so many young, wealthy families, things aren’t always picture perfect. Secrets and lies, both on Earth and in Hell, threaten to tear everyone apart and upend their lives.

I absolutely adore this book! I love quirky books with interesting settings and characters who are…pretty awful. And these characters are pretty darn awful. Considering Peyote is working in Hell, we can only assume he made some questionable choices in life. I’m not judging, apparently someone else did that for us…but he actually seems like a nice guy. I thought it was quite interesting how kind and helpful he was to Calamity even though he was residing in the literally the worst place ever. I really enjoyed all of the quirks of Hell and the wonky things that went on there. Pens never work, radios only play your most hated genres of music, and the only drink sold in bars is Jagermeister and Peyote just rolled with it all. Meanwhile on Earth, the Harrison family is harboring all sorts of awful secrets. Told from multiple POVs, this fast paced story really kept me guessing and there were a few twists I did not see coming.
I found this book to be darkly humorous, imaginative and wildly entertaining. This was an incredible debut and I can’t wait to see what this author comes up with next.

If you’d like to add this amazing novel to your shelf, you can click on the cover above for ordering information. This post may contain affiliate links, including Amazon Associate links, and I may earn from qualifying purchases.