Bruno’s Hat by Canizales

Many of the books for children about bullying tend to focus on the bully or the victim and very rarely come from the viewpoint of the bystander.  As teachers and parents, we teach kids how to stand up for themselves, how to ask for help, and hopefully, how to be a kind person. But do we spend enough time teaching kids how to stand up for their friends?  If you’re looking for just that type of resource, let me introduce you to Peter and his best friend Bruno.

Peter and Bruno play together everyday and are very best friends.  But one day, Sergio makes of Bruno’s weird hat and Peter doesn’t know what to do.  Should he help Bruno? Should he try to be cool like Sergio and not a weirdo like Bruno?  Instead of helping Bruno, Peter makes the choice to do nothing which really hurts Bruno’s feelings.  Luckily mom always knows best and with a quick phone call for a playdate, Peter and Bruno are back on track to being best friends. Thanks to Bruno’s mom, both boys have a weird hat and that makes them cool.

With simple language and engaging illustrations, Bruno’s Hat is a wonderful story to help children learn how to be a good friend.  If you are interested in furthering the discussion with your child, you can check out for a downloadable guide.  

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Full disclosure time:  Thank you to Flyaway Books for the advanced copy of this book.  All opinions are my own.