Wicked Beauty by Katee Robert

It’s here! It’s finally here!

The third book in the Dark Olympus series gives us the very steamy retelling of Helen of Troy, Achilles, and Patroclus. When Helen realizes her brother intends for her to marry the person who literally wins her hand in a gladiator style competition, she decides to compete for herself. She wants to win her freedom to live her life on her terms and not that of someone who must bend to the will of a political alliance. What Helen doesn’t anticipate winning is the hearts of two gorgeous men who are willing to worship the ground she walk on…and her.

It’s so good you guys! In true Katee Robert fashion, this story is hotter than hot with truly interesting characters. Achilles wants the power that a marriage to Helen would bring, but he isn’t interested in maintaining an actual relationship with her…until about three minutes after he meets her of course. Patroclus wants Achilles happy and is willing to ensure that happiness at any cost. Both Achilles and Patroclus have ties to an agency outside of the Thirteen and are interested in the power that agency can provide, but Achilles would be out if he married Helen, leaving Patroclus behind. Patroclus, being Patroclus and wanting only happiness for Achilles, knows he’ll be left behind and is willing to let that happen if it means Achilles is happy. So much angst! So much “I love you more than my own happiness and I would raze the world for you” going on in this book. Everyone has their own end goal and the three of them ending up together? Not even on anyone’s radar. The journey these three take to fall in love is truly magical and I loved every single bit of it. It’s so good!

If you would like to add this amazing book to your shelf, you can click on the cover or here for ordering information.

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Erotica Quickie: A Lady of Rooksgrave Manor by Kathryn Moon

Available Now

This book came highly recommended from Sarah and Amanda from the Smart Podcast Trashy Books podcast and those ladies are never wrong when it comes to bonkers romance novels. Can we all please take a moment to gaze at this incredibly gorgeous cover? It’s stunning! This is an incredibly steamy book centered around a brothel that caters to wealthy non-humans. Esther Reed, a maid in a respectable household is about to lose her job as her employers seem to have lost their fortune in a bad investment. When Esther is caught watching the Lady of the House receive a rather energetic “treatment” from her doctor, it opens the door for Esther to pursue a career more in line with her interests. Turns out, Dr. Underwood is also a client of Rooksgrave Manor and feels that Esther would the perfect for its clientele. See, Esther loves sex and loves the idea of having sex be her new profession. Among Esther’s new clients are a vampire, a sphinx, a Jekyll/Hyde handsome situation, and a golem. Oh, and an invisible man. That’s a fun one! There is literally a line where Esther screams, “I want to f@ck my monster!” This is 400 pages of pure erotic fun.

Friends, this book is an absolute masterpiece and I loved every single line on every single page. It’s amazing and I can’t recommend it highly enough. If you’re interested in your own copy, you can click on the cover for ordering options. If you’re a KU subscriber, you’re in luck! It’s totally in there.

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