The Ex Hex by Erin Sterling (Re-Post)

It’s a super busy spooky season around here and this book is too much fun not to share again!

Available now

This book is pure fun! If you’re looking for a romance with some wacky magic and family drama, this is the one for you. Also, be prepared for me to say over and over again that this book is delightful. It’s truly the best description. It’s absolutely delightful!

After Vivienne finds herself heartbroken after finding out her first love is engaged to another woman, she and her cousin may have broken the first rule of magic: don’t mix vodka with witchcraft. What begins as an innocent way to blow off some anger turns into a hilarious adventure of misfiring magic and finding a second chance at love.

Nine years later, Vivienne is all grown up with a successful teaching career at the local college when her life is turned upside down by the return of her first love, Rhys Penhallow. As a descendant of the original founder of Graves Glen, he must return to recharge the ley lines and give the speech at the annual Founder’s Day celebration. But things don’t go quite as planned. When his magic becomes unpredictable and he finds himself falling for Vivienne all over again, he discovers that there might be more going on. LIke, maybe she accidentally cursed him while drunk nearly a decade ago?

This one is so good! It is truly delightful from start to finish. VIvienne and her cousin Gwyn have this really close friendship and truly have each other's backs. If you love fun banter, they have it in spades. The curse they place on Rhys is   in its specificity. The best part? When they discover that one part of it really just curses all the women in his romantic relationships. It’s great. The small town drama surrounding Founder’s Day is really fun, especially Gwyn’s reluctance to get over herself and give in to her feelings for the beautiful and single mayor. Even the mysterious connection between Rhys’s curse and the magical mayhem is done in such a quirky way that the story never loses its lightness. 

The romance between Rhys and Vivenne felt very real and believable. I think it’s very hard to pull off a second chance romance. If the characters find themselves in a situation where the relationship truly must end, it can be very difficult to see them in any situation where they can work through the problems that originally split them up. Sterling has her characters wait nearly a decade before they see eachother again. While they both commit some low-key on-line social media searches, they don’t interact with each other until Rhys comes back to town. They both have grown up and matured significantly since their break-up and now have successful careers and places where they belong. They still dance around some subjects and should be more willing to discuss their feelings but hey, it’s a romance. That’s how they work. 

The Ex Hex is a truly delightful novel that made for a lovely reading experience. The characters are great, the magical system was really fun, and the story was compelling and moved along quickly. This would be a great way to dip your toes into paranormal romance if that’s a new genre for you, or to add a new holiday romance to your list. 

If you would like to add this hilarious romp to your shelf, you can find ordering information here: 


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The Ex Hex by Erin Sterling

Available now

This book is pure fun! If you’re looking for a romance with some wacky magic and family drama, this is the one for you. Also, be prepared for me to say over and over again that this book is delightful. It’s truly the best description. It’s absolutely delightful!

After Vivienne finds herself heartbroken after finding out her first love is engaged to another woman, she and her cousin may have broken the first rule of magic: don’t mix vodka with witchcraft. What begins as an innocent way to blow off some anger turns into a hilarious adventure of misfiring magic and finding a second chance at love.

Nine years later, Vivienne is all grown up with a successful teaching career at the local college when her life is turned upside down by the return of her first love, Rhys Penhallow. As a descendant of the original founder of Graves Glen, he must return to recharge the ley lines and give the speech at the annual Founder’s Day celebration. But things don’t go quite as planned. When his magic becomes unpredictable and he finds himself falling for Vivienne all over again, he discovers that there might be more going on. LIke, maybe she accidentally cursed him while drunk nearly a decade ago?

This one is so good! It is truly delightful from start to finish. VIvienne and her cousin Gwyn have this really close friendship and truly have each other's backs. If you love fun banter, they have it in spades. The curse they place on Rhys is   in its specificity. The best part? When they discover that one part of it really just curses all the women in his romantic relationships. It’s great. The small town drama surrounding Founder’s Day is really fun, especially Gwyn’s reluctance to get over herself and give in to her feelings for the beautiful and single mayor. Even the mysterious connection between Rhys’s curse and the magical mayhem is done in such a quirky way that the story never loses its lightness. 

The romance between Rhys and Vivenne felt very real and believable. I think it’s very hard to pull off a second chance romance. If the characters find themselves in a situation where the relationship truly must end, it can be very difficult to see them in any situation where they can work through the problems that originally split them up. Sterling has her characters wait nearly a decade before they see eachother again. While they both commit some low-key on-line social media searches, they don’t interact with each other until Rhys comes back to town. They both have grown up and matured significantly since their break-up and now have successful careers and places where they belong. They still dance around some subjects and should be more willing to discuss their feelings but hey, it’s a romance. That’s how they work. 

The Ex Hex is a truly delightful novel that made for a lovely reading experience. The characters are great, the magical system was really fun, and the story was compelling and moved along quickly. This would be a great way to dip your toes into paranormal romance if that’s a new genre for you, or to add a new holiday romance to your list. 

If you would like to add this hilarious romp to your shelf, you can find ordering information here: 


This post contains affiliate links, including Amazon Associate links, and I earn from qualifying purchases.

Blog Tour! The Lights on Knockbridge Lane by Roan Parrish


It is my absolute pleasure to share with you a warm, gentle, and beautifully written romance from Roan Parrish! I fell in love with Adam and Wes’s story from the very first chapter. While Christmas may seem far away, it’s never too early to jump into a holiday romance to give you all the warm feelings.

Can one man’s crowded, messy life fill another man’s empty heart?

Raising a family was always Adam Mills’ dream, although solo parenting and moving back to tiny Garnet Run certainly were not. After a messy breakup, Adam is doing his best to give his young daughter the life she deserves—including accepting help from their new, reclusive neighbor to fulfill her Christmas wish.

Though the little house may not have “the most lights ever,” the Mills home begins to brighten as handsome Wes Mobray spends more time there and slowly sheds his protective layers. But when the eye-catching house ends up in the news, Wes has to make a choice: hide from the darkness of his unusual past or embrace the light of a future—and a family—with Adam.

Isn’t this the cutest cover!

Isn’t this the cutest cover!

Add The Lights on Knockbridge Lane to your Goodreads!

Doesn’t this sound amazing? This book is so sweet. Adam and Wes are both dealing with relationship issues, Adam with his previous partner and Wes with his family, that shape the way they approach this new relationship. I’m never one for children in romance but Gus is truly a delight and gave some real weight to the decisions made by both men. It was really fun to see how Adam reacted to Wes’s unusual pets and how Gus immediately latched on to them. If you’re looking for a low-angst, charming, and delightful holiday romance, this is the perfect book to add to your list.

Read on for an excerpt from The LIghts on Knockbridge Lance.

Excerpt of The Lights on Knockbridge Lane by Roan Parrish (Sept 28)

Harlequin Special Edition

Add The Lights on Knockbridge Lane to your Goodreads!

Everyone on Knockbridge Lane had a different theory about Westley Mobray. It was the first thing Adam Mills heard about as he introduced himself around last week, when he and August moved in.

The eight-year-old McKinnon twins next door said he was a vampire. Their parents, Darren and Rose McKinnon, scoffed at that, but said he could be a witch. Marisol Gutierrez three doors down insisted she’d seen him skulking around the neighborhood at night, hunting for animals to sacrifice to the devil. A teenager at the end of the street reported that anyone who looked him in the eyes would be hypnotized, and anyone who touched him would turn to stone. Mr. Montgomery on the corner just said freak.

Westley Mobray was never seen before sunset, though mysterious packages arrived on his doorstep often. He never spoke to anyone and never waved hello. And late at night, the windows of his run-down house glowed an eerie green.

At least, that’s what they told Adam.

So when he saw the man in question through the twilit haze of his own front window—with his daughter in tow—he was understandably startled. Especially since he’d thought she was playing quietly in her room.

He’d slammed two coffees to prevent it, but he’d been asleep. The kind of light, unsatisfying sleep he often fell into when he had a moment of quiet. Which was something that didn’t happen that often as the newly single parent of an eight-year-old.

His insomnia had been pretty bad since the divorce, and worse since they moved back to Garnet Run, where he was the only one responsible for Gus.

The knock at the door jerked him out of that strange sleep, and he scrambled for the door, stubbing his toe in the process, so that when he yanked it open he was biting back the kind of words that he tried with varying degrees of success not to say in front of Gus.

He focused on Gus first. She was all in one piece and was even smiling. It was her I did something bad and delightful smile, but a smile was good—at least when on a child who seemed to have been forcibly dragged home by an irate stranger.

“Where is your coat?” is what came out of Adam’s mouth.

Sometimes he tried to remember what it was like when he talked about things like the composition of his next shot, which restaurant’s tiramisu he preferred, or the latest cozy mystery he was reading.

Now he said things like “Where is your coat” and “Don’t take that apart” and “If you don’t stop making that sound I might have to throttle you.” Okay, he didn’t say the last one so much as think it. Often.

“It’s not that cold,” his wonderful, brilliant daughter said, her lips only vaguely blue.

Adam counseled himself to breathe.

Once he’d determined that Gus was all in one piece and frostbite wasn’t imminent, he turned his attention to the man who’d brought her home.

“Um,” he said intelligently.

Westley Mobray was tall and severe, with shaved dark hair and strong dark eyebrows over piercing blue eyes. Those eyes were narrowed slightly, either in anger or—if the neighborhood rumors were to be believed—because he never went outside when there was the slightest bit of light still in the sky, as it would, of course, burn him to ash.

“She broke into my house,” he said. His voice was low and rough with disuse.

“She’s eight.”

Buy The Lights on Knockbridge Lane by Roan Parrish 

About the Author

​ Roan Parrish lives in Philadelphia, where she’s gradually attempting to write love stories in every genre. When not writing, she can be found cutting her friends’ hair, meandering through the city while listening to torch songs and melodic death metal, or cooking overly elaborate meals. She loves bonfires, winter beaches, minor chord harmonies, and self-tattooing. One time she may or may not have baked a six-layer chocolate cake and then thrown it out the window in a fit of pique.

Connect with the Author 





Big thanks to Harlequin for sharing an advanced copy of this title. All opinions and mistakes are my own. This post may contain affiliate links and I may earn from qualifying purchases.