The Madwoman and the Roomba by Sandra Tsing Loh

Available June 2, 2020

Adulting is hard. We all say it. We brag about doing laundry and putting it away the same day. Sometimes, the same week. But there is something to it. Not everyone is completely prepared for being an adult. The list of our responsibilities is endless and no matter how hard we try, we still screw up the things that seem so simple.

I was immediately drawn to this book for it's title. As a proud owner of a robotic vacuum, and well aware of it's pitfalls, think dog poo, I had to know what was going to happen when you paired said vacuum with a madwoman. Sandra Tsing Loh has turned 55 and is discovering that your age plays no part on your ability to adult. Parenting, careers, homeownership, friendships, and bills are still just as challenging at 55 as they are at 35. Raising an emotional teenager is always difficult, being 55 doesn't give you the magical ability to read their minds and figure out what they are truly trying to communicate. You can also be a little jealous of your friends who can magically plan flawless vacations, drive nicer cards, and get their kids into the best schools.

Loh holds nothing back in her essays on life, love, children and friendship in this hilarious and engaging collection. I was able to find something in each essay to connect to even though I couldn't be further away from a California living author and professor.

If you love glimpses into other's lives, this is a delightful collection covering everything from comic book conventions to finding your inner goddess.

Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read and review this title. All opinions and mistakes are my own.

If you would like a copy for yourself, you can find one here:

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