Nimona by Noelle Stevenson

Library copy of Nimona

Library copy of Nimona

Finding well written, Kid appropriate graphic novels can be tough.  I typically borrow 5-6 from the library's loan system, read them first, then pass them along to the Kid.  I read them for two reasons.  One, to make sure I don't do a repeat of the Deadpool incident. Two, I'm in charge of ordering books for the Youth Department at my Library.  It's research.  

This book was pulled from my bag and read before I even noticed it was missing.  The Kid was giggling the whole time he declared it awesome, medieval/futuristic, cool, and hilarious. 

The Kid was right.  This book is amazing.

We follow Nimona, a young woman who is on a mission to become the sidekick to Ballister Blackheart, a scientist/knight guy.  The world is never really explained in the book.  In fact, it felt like the world just kept changing so that the story could move forward.  Not complaining-it was very fun to follow.  Everyone wears medieval clothing and armor but there are super computers and 24 hour news channels.  In fact, at one point they discuss magic on the news.  And they question Lionheart's codpiece.  Yep. 

Anyways, Blackheart is trying to defeat his nemesis Goldenloin.  Yep, Goldenloin.  Who has long, golden hair.  They had a training session go wrong when they were younger and now Ballister has a mechanical arm.  Goldenloin works for The Institute set on world domination-or something like that.  It's called The Institute-they're bad.

While trying to prove how important to the missions she is, Ballister and Goldenloin discover that Nimona is far more blood-thirsty and dangerous than they could have imagined.  She can shape-shift in to dragons, foxes, and sleepy little cats.  When asked about her origins, Nimona tells a story fit for a book on fairy tales.  Is it true?  Who knows.  

This book was full of action, complex characters, hilarious one-liners, and really fun world building.  I mean, the lines about game night with the henchmen were perfect!  The Kid loved it, I loved it, and someone else needs to read it because I want to talk.    

By Noelle Stevenson
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