Hazel and Holly: A Fantasy Adventure by Sara C. Snider

Hazel and Holly:  A Fantasy Adventure by Sara C. Snider

Available May 16, 2019

Ok Reader Friends, isn’t this the most gorgeous cover? Every time I look at it I want to pick out one of the colors and paint a room in my house.

Hazel and Holly is a fun and rollicking adventure through magical woods, mystical spells, and finding hope in unlikely places.  

Hazel and Holly are sisters who share a home in the Grove, a wonderfully slow and magical place where magic is divided into schools such as Hearth and Wyr, each with their own special focus.  When the sisters are invited to the home of Hawthorn and Hemlock, warlocks and very eligible bachelors, Holly is insistent on their attendance. Hazel, on the other hand, would rather stay home and away from the nosey gossips who spread nasty rumors about their family and their father’s dabbling in Necromancy.  Necromancy is the one magical discipline that is not tolerated in the Grove.

But Holly wins and the sisters attend the ball and true to fashion, nothing goes as planned.  The one bright moment from the disastrous night is a new alliance with the brothers. With their help, the sisters might finally be able to track down their father and free their mother’s soul that has been entrapped for years.  

Together, the witches and warlocks face one obstacle after the other, and all the while, they become closer and better friends with every mishap.  With the help of a magical mouse, Holly’s innocent eagerness, Hemlock’s dry humor and reluctance to dirty his clothes, and Hazel and Hawthorn’s focus and planning, the group sets out to find the secret hiding place of the necromancers.  Unfortunately for our adventurers, nothing ever goes as planned or remotely close to easily. Their one promising link to their father, a necromancer named Elder, betrays them. Spells misfire, intentions are misinterpreted, and along the way, they pick up a cellar gnome with a penchant for beer who turns up in the most unlikely of places.  

Full of humor, magic, and adventure, Hazel and Holly was a fun and entertaining read.

If this sounds like something you would enjoy, you can get your copy here: