Year of Yoga by Kassandra Reinhardt

Available now

Full Disclosure: I’m about to be one of Those People. Nearly two years ago I completely wrecked my knee while working out much harder than I was capable of doing safely. Because I’m stubborn and hate the American healthcare system, I was convinced I could heal my knee on my own. And I kind of did. Through yoga. And not just any yoga, but by following along to Kasandra’s youtube videos every morning until I finally took the plunge and signed up for her mobile app. I am on my mat, every morning, with Kassandra leading me through thoughtful and challenging practices and it has truly changed my life. Now, pretend I’ve taken the time to write out all the disclaimers about how you should consult your doctors and this isn’t medical advice, blah, blah, blah. This is just my story, your mileage may vary.

Now, you’re here about the book, I know. It’s beautiful and very thoughtfully laid out. Kassandra begins with how to use the book and the very basics of yoga and the props that are mentioned in the book. The book is then broken down into practices and rituals to use for each season and different phases of the lunar cycle. Each practice comes with a QR code that leads you to a video of the practice and I can’t emphasize enough how calming and wonderful Kassandra and her practices are. There are also listicles with music playlists, recommendations for books, crystals, scents, and essential oils. There’s even a smoothie recipe friends.

It’s a truly lovely book that is very accessible if you’re new to practicing yoga. I have found it delightful and really enjoyed the practices. I also bought this with my own dollars-no galley was given for free-and would gladly buy it again.

If you’d like a copy for yourself, you can click on the cover for ordering information. This post may contain affiliate links, including Amazon Associate links, and I may earn from qualifying purchases.