Romance Quickie- Kick at the Darkness by Suleikha Snyder

Available now for only 99¢!

Reader Friends, this is a kick ass romance set during a zombie apocalypse! That’s right! Zombies and pants feelings! Emran’s future was ripped away from him but Mona’s teenage starry-eyed crush. But when the world is overrun by zombies five years later, returning to her is his sole mission. Now the two are trapped in her family’s mansion with only a panic room and a highly prized wine cellar between them and the hordes of zombies outside. Together, they must find away to survive the apocalypse and their explosive feelings for each other.

This was so good! I was immeadiately invested in Mona and Emran’s relationship and was blown away by all the obstacles they had to overcome. Both Emran and Mona grew and changed as people over their five years apart and their reunion was quite eye opening for both of them. I think the author did a great job balancing the tension between the characters with the very real danger they faced in the outside world. There’s a really great scene in the wine cellar where I know I would have made a different choice than Mona, but I also would’ve died because of it. Luckily Mona is one smart woman who knew exactly the right decision to make.

It’s fast paced, exciting, and very hot. Extremely hot, thank you very much! I definitely recommend this one when you’re looking for a quick, powerful escape from this wild world we’re currently living in. Although, it may not be all that different from our world…

If you would like to add this apocalyptic romance novella to your bookshelf, you can find ordering information here:


Want more Suleikha Snyder? I’ve read Big, Bad Wolf and loved it! Here are a few more of her titles to try:

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Hollow Kingdom By Kira Jane Buxton

Available now from Grand Central Publishing

This book is one of the most original and bonkers books I've ever come across.  Told through the eyes of the crow Shit Turd, or S.T. as he's more commonly known, the human race has devolved into nothing more than bloodthirsty zombies and the only unaffected survivors are animals. 

Yep, it's told through the point of view of a highly intelligent pet crow. 

And it's one of the funniest and most wildly entertaining reads I had this year. 

S.T. and his canine brother Dennis set out to find help for their human Big Jim after his behavior turns creepily repetitive and dangerous.  As the two journey through the city seeking information, they encounter other domestic animals trapped in their homes and try to save as many as they can.  When their actions attract the attention of a murder of crows, S.T. must put aside his prejudices and find a way to work with the other animals, and the sketchy birds, to save the domestics and find out what happened to the humans.

It sounds bonkers but this book is truly hilarious.  S.T. uses his unique skills learned from living with Big Jim to both help the trapped domestics and teach the other animals how to help.  Who knew Tinder was so educational?  Turns out, Big Jim taking S.T. around the city with him as he worked or on field trips to the zoo was highly educational for our sharp minded crow.  S.T.'s ability to think like a human, or MoFo as he calls them, is key to his and his friends' survival.  We are also giving short chapters told from the point of view of various animals from around the world- Winnie the Poodle was my favorite. 

This story is truly imaginative and original and it was an absolute delight to read. 

You can get your copy, and help support the site, here:

More from Kira Jane Buxton:

Surprise! It’s her debut! What an amazing first book, I can’t wait to see what she comes out with next.

More like Hollow Kingdom:

I’m going with the plucky/sarcastic/hero for these.

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