Recursion by Blake Crouch

Recursion by Blake Crouch

Available June 11, 2019

This was fantastic!  Absolutely amazing! More exclamation points please!

If you enjoyed Dark Matter or the Wayward Pines trilogy, definitely pick this one up.  By the way, since no one asked, the Wayward Pines books lead to me binging Twin Peaks last summer and that show was so incredibly odd and I never quite knew what was going on.  


Recursion is the story of what happens when brilliance meets desperation.  Searching for a way to help stop the dementia that is slowly stealing her mother, Helena creates a device that will change the history of medicine.  What was meant to be a way to preserve a person’s precious memories turns into a potential weapon that could have devastating effects.

Barry, depressed and steal grieving for his daughter a decade after her death, is investigating a woman’s suicide after he is unable to talk her down from the ledge.  Plagued with FMS, False Memory Syndrome, the woman is devastated by the memories of a loving husband and son. But she was never married and has never been a mom so how does she know about this other life?  Why does it feel so real? With more and more FMS cases coming to light, Barry gets swept up in a mystery so profound it’s capable of destroying the world.

This is one of the fabulous sci-fi books that are better when you know nothing about it.  I went into this not knowing the plot, only the author. The characters are great, the science went way over my head, and the story moved very quickly.  There are so many twists and turns and explosive events that it just got better and better the further you read. Fast paced, gripping, and emotional, Recursion is an incredible story of strength and perseverance.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read and review this title.  All opinions are my own.