Time After Time by Lisa Grunwald

Time After Time by Lisa Grunwald

Available June 11, 2019

Reader Friends, this book is beautiful.  Absolutely lovely in every way. From the clothes, to the city, to the way people speak to one another, it’s just lovely.  I’m also not going to apologize for my overuse of the word “lovely.”

On a beautiful December morning while on his way to a prayer meeting, Joe Reynolds meets a young woman wearing a disheveled dress, no coat, and looking completely out of place at the train station so early in the morning.  It’s when he stops to offer her assistance that he realizes something is slightly off. Her clothes don’t seem quite right, it’s too cold to not have a coat, and how did she get to the train station?

One year later, he sees her again.  The same Nora from a year ago. Same dress, same pearls, same perfume.  How is that possible and what is going on? Together, Nora and Joe begin a complicated and magical relationship revolving around her mystical appearance and the confines of the train station.  

This is one of the stories that the less you know, the more amazing it is.  The twists and turns are revealed slowly throughout the story and each one adds a complication that Joe and Nora deal with together with love and respect.  I really loved how the author made the city itself an integral part of the relationship. Grand Central made a gorgeous backdrop for this novel.  From the ladies’ lounge to the hotel, the restaurants and shops, the station provided everything Joe and Nora could need.  However, even with the luxurious hotel rooms and room service, being confined to one location is still a limitation that will tax anyone.  Joe and Nora have a truly loving relationship that is tested over and over again by family, war, and time.  Even with the magical existence of Nora, their relationship is still just like that of anyone else. Lisa Grunwald does an incredible job of exploring the lengths we are willing to go to ensure the happiness of those we love.  When Nora fully realizes that the passage of time is affecting her very differently than those around her, her actions are quite different than other novels I’ve read that deal with the same concept.

I loved this story.  I loved how Joe and Nora were with one another.  I loved the setting and the writing. It’s just a lovely, lovely story.

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