Deceived by the Gargoyles by Lillian Lark

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Yup! I’m still on the Lillian Lark train! I am really enjoying this world she has created for her characters and I think this one might be my favorite. So far, that is.

Grace comes from a high society witch family with powerful connections. Grace wants nothing to do with them and their manipulative and abusive ways. After another disappointing date that felt more like a business meeting for her parent’s political connections than a romantic connection, Grace decides to put herself first and meet with Rose, the magical matchmaker. And, it seems to work! Grace is matched to Elliot, a handsome and attentive gentleman who seems to check off quite a few boxes on Grace’s partner wish list. Because yes, Grace has a list! But when the relationship starts to stall out a bit, Grace becomes concerned that Elliot has lost interest. Much to Grace’s surprise, it’s not that Elliot has lost interest, it’s that he hasn’t found the right time to introduce Grace to his other mates. It was a bit of a surprise to discover that Elliot was a gargoyle, but that he’s also mated to two other gargoyles? That’s a lot for anyone to take in unexpectedly. On top of a possible new relationship, Grace is being harassed by former date who can’t seem to take “no” for an answer.

What follow is a beautiful exploration of love, friendship, hope, and acceptance. Grace is a smart and confident woman who knows her boundaries and has worked hard to overcome her family’s judgement and criticism. Elliot, Broderick, and Alasdair are very vocal and appreciative of Grace’s curvy figure and my only complaint with the book is that there weren’t illustrations or photos of Grace’s amazing dresses! She has an incredible sense of style and loves old Hollywood starlet style dresses. She’s also a Librarian which makes her absolutely perfect in every way! Our gargoyles are very invested in making their relationship work and they are so sweet. Lark really hits all the emotional buttons with how Grace, Elliot, Broderick, and Alasdair work through how to make the relationship not just work, but thrive. This is a really lovely romance and I can’t wait to see what Lark comes up with next.

If you would like to add my new favorite book to your shelf, it’s available in KU or you can find ordering information here:


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