A River Enchanted by Rebecca Ross

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If you’re in the mood for a quiet, lyrical fantasy, A River Enchanted should be moved to the top of your TBR. Set in a world where elemental spirits can be deadly, enchanted shawls act as armor, and music can be as powerful as an army, A River Enchanted tells the tale of an island divided by an ancient feud between clans.

Jack Tamerlaine was sent to the mainland to learn the art of the bard and after ten years away, has no desire to return. Growing up with a single mother who refused to share the name of his father, Jack was subjected to years of gossip and cruelty. When his laird writes for him to return to the island, Jack cannot refuse. But Jack is surprised to find it’s not his laird that called him back but the laird’s daughter and his former childhood friend Adaira. Girls have begun to go missing on the island and not even the border guards and their magic can find them.

But there is more than just the girls disappearing that has Adaira so concerned. The Breccans, a rival clan on the island, has made overtures of peace but the timing is highly suspicious. As Jack and Adaira get closer to solving the mystery of the missing girls, long held secrets of the island come to light and threaten the safety of everyone.

This novel is deceptively quiet and gorgeously written. It’s incredibly atmospheric and the magic feels very at home and intuitive with the characters and setting. People on the island can hear whispering on the wind which is both the islanders speaking to one another and also, possibly more? Many of the islanders seem to have a magical gift or refined ability that is completely accepted and respected. Jack’s mother can weave enchantments into shawls that make them as strong as armor and Jack’s music can summon the elemental spirits. Torin, a high level security chief is able to feel when people cross the border and can determine where the crossing happened. But all of this magic comes with a price. Those that wield their magic, even if it’s to protect others, endures physical pain and illness for a short time.

The story itself is very compelling and it’s hard to not get invested in Jack’s journey from a somewhat shunned boy to a powerful bard. Jack discovers a lot about his family’s history and about his time growing up that was kept from him. He has a chip on his shoulder from the way the community treated him growing up and it’s not an easy road for him. Adaira doesn’t have it easy either-I’m realizing how tough this book actually was for our characters! She has been raised to rule upon her father’s death and every decision she makes is for the good of her people, not for herself or her heart.

I really enjoyed this book and all the magic and adventure found within.

If you’d like to add this fantasy to your shelf, you can find ordering information here:

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