Resting Witch Face (Stay a Spell #5) by Juliette Cross

Happy Halloween and do I have a huge treat for you! Today is the release day for one of my most anticipated books of the year. I fell in love with the Stay a Spell series with the first book, Wolf Gone Wild, and the series continues to deliver super hot romance set in a well-crafted magical world.

Resting Witch Face (Stay a Spell, #5)Resting Witch Face by Juliette Cross
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

CW: gore, violence
Friends, this book opens with a literal bang! We have been witness to the potent tension between Jules and Ruben for many books now and, in Resting Witch Face, the fifth book in the Stay a Spell series, we finally learn the history behind the longing and animosity. What we also get is more insight into the governing council of all supernatural beings and its history and power structure.

As Jules and Ruben travel the world, meeting with the leaders of the various covens to petition the inclusion of the werewolves into their guild, they are forced to come to terms with their attraction to each other and the complexities behind the failure of their relationship years before. Overcoming distrust, dealing with the effects of their gifts, and the constant need to balance work and family is a lot for any couple to grapple with, let alone two of the most powerful and respected members of their covens. There are real, complex reasons that their relationship collapsed in the past and Cross does an excellent job of showing two people who genuinely want to repair the damage and forge a new path forward.

Resting Witch Face is a hot, second-chance romance, full of political intrigue and danger. Cross is known for her dirty talking heroes and Ruben is no exception. This book is full of incredible banter, angst, and intense longing. I really, really loved it.

Thank you to the author for the opportunity to read and review this title. All opinions and mistakes are my own.

View all my reviews

If you’re interested in adding this amazing book to your collection, you can click on the cover for ordering information.

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Winter’s Orbit by Everina Maxwell

Available Now

Content warning for partner abuse.

All the positive hype and joyful squeeing you are hearing about this book is extremely well deserved. I first heard of this book through a podcast, surprising I know, that was listing off all the modern Shakespeare retellings and Winter’s Orbit was getting some rave reviews in that episode. As someone who could care less about Shakespeare retellings, I was actually curious how it would translate into a sci-fi novel set in space. Also, don’t ask what play this was inspired by-I don’t have a clue.

Winter’s Orbit would be a perfect gateway book for romance readers who want to add in a new genre to their reading. We have two characters who are forced to marry each other to uphold an important treaty between two worlds. Add in a boatload of physical attraction, major pining, fake dating, only-one-bed, trapped-in-the-snow, and a lot of tip-toeing around situations because of diplomacy reasons and you have the perfect romance novel, it’s just set in space. 

Prince Kiem is the palace playboy who fills his days enjoying life and ending up in the gossip pages. When his cousin dies in a tragic shuttle accident, he is forced to marry the now widowed Count Jainan, the diplomat from Thea, to maintain a decades-long treaty. While Kiem has known his whole life that he would marry for duty, he never believed that marriage would be forced on someone who just lost their partner and is still grieving. But what Kiem doesn’t know is that Count Jainan didn’t have a fairytale marriage and is just as uncertain at how to approach this new relationship. As the two negotiate how to become friends and balance their new royal duties, they discover that there is a real attraction between the two but there is an evil force who wants to sabotage their relationship and even more, the treaty between the two worlds. Now, the two men must try to find out how Jainan’s husband really died and who is trying to pin the murder on Jainan. 

I flew through this book. It is such a wonderful, fast-paced political thriller with a ton of romance elements thrown in. If you are a fan of watching two characters pine over each other for hundreds of pages, this is definitely your book. These two have some serious feelings for each other from the first moment they meet but because Kiem is convinced that Jainan had this amazing marriage and is grieving, he tries to do his best to respect his space and feelings. Jainan sees all this as Kiem not being interested in him and disappointed in having to marry him and feels like a failure as a husband. Trust me, there are so many times I yelled at both of them to just talk about what is going on but for very important political reasons, they really can’t. Prince Kiem is an actual Prince and Count Jainan is a very important diplomat so neither wants to upset the other. So. Much. Pining. 

Prince Kiem’s homeworld of Iskat has an interesting way of distinguishing genders amongst their people. Women wear flint jewelry, men wear wood, and some people choose to wear neither, which I interpreted as everyone got to choose their gender. Throughout the book,both Kiem and Jainan make some goofs in missing those cues but it doesn’t seem like that was a huge deal as there was such a wide range of people in very high and important positions of power. It also meant that when Kiem and Jainan finally realize that there is only one bed and they’re just going to have to share it, it all fades to black and I think that was such a smart choice. 

There is far more focus on the relationship between Kiem and Jainan than on the political and planet world-building, but I still thought there was  more than enough to make the story very interesting. Also, Bel Siara, the assistant to Kiem, is a complete badass with a shady past and I think this would make an excellent series with her as the next main character. Her book would be the perfect vehicle to give us more background on the Empire and how it came to be. 

This is a fantastic debut from Everina Maxwell and I can’t wait to see what they put out next. If you would like to add this to your collection, or finds more information to rec it to your Library, you can do that here:


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The Living God by Kaytalin Platt

The Living God by Kaytalin Platt

Available May 21, 2019

The life of a princess is supposed to be filled with opulence, wealth, and filling your time doing good deeds and getting your hair done.  Saran, daughter of the King of Adrid, lives in constant danger and violence. With the ability to alter time, she is used as a weapon and a pawn in his political endeavors.  Along with her lover Keleir, she works to overthrow her father and end his cruel reign. But when she uses her magic to save a village, the King binds her magic leaving her feeling helpless and putting Keleir’s life at risk.  Keleir is possessed by an Oruke, a demon that overtook his body at birth. Saved by Saran’s powerful magic, Keleir’s power over the demon is threatened after Saran loses her magic to the bind.

Together with Keleir’s brother Rowe, they race to find the key to Saran’s magical bind, overthrow the King, and save as many innocent people as they can.

This book is fast paced and action packed.  I really enjoyed the author’s vivid descriptions of Saran and the others using their magic.  Saran is an incredibly powerful and intelligent character and her loyalty to her people becomes the key to her survival.  She is raised by her Healer after her mother’s death and even after years of her father’s abuse, she is able to focus on the people of her kingdom and protecting others. One of the more interesting aspects of the book is the setting.  In this world, there are three worlds-The First, The Second, and The Third. Saran lives in the First, a medieval and magical world where mages rule. The First is very much like where we live currently. The Third is a world of death and destruction ruled by horrid rulers that steal slaves from the other worlds.  Crossing between the worlds requires magical ability and meetings between important officials from the different worlds do occur. The ending definitely set up this up to be a series and I’m very curious if the next book will focus on the same characters but in one of the different worlds-or maybe new characters working with the old characters but in a different world?  The possibilities are endless.

I highly enjoyed this book and would recommend it for anyone who loves, or wants to try out, fantasy.  

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Full Disclosure Time:  Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read and review this title. All opinions are my own.