Lassiter by J.R. Ward

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It’s here! Lassiter has his book!

From the author’s website:

Lassiter, the fallen angel, is too good at the savior business.  In his new role overseeing the fates of all vampires, he’s influenced outcomes he shouldn’t have- so the Creator is calling him home.  But the angel has a reason to stay in Caldwell.  He’s bonded with a mysterious female who’s seemed to appear from out of nowhere… and has powers that defy all reason.

Rahvyn is well aware that she doesn’t belong in the present.  And she never intended to stay, for her true place is in the past.  Lassiter proves to be undeniable, however, and she lets herself fall for the angel- until a secret he’s been keeping comes out and she fears that for him, it’s not about love, but duty.

As the Omega’s son reestablishes the Lessening Society, and the Brotherhood must resume the deadly war- an unfathomable tragedy occurs.  In the aftermath, Rahvyn has to decide whether to stay and help- or save herself from an immortal heartbreak she knows will crush her very soul…

I have been a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood from the very beginning. When my husband and I built our bookshelves around our new fireplace, these books were the first to be shelved. When I was pregnant with my son, I was so scared of losing another pregnancy that I took rest very seriously. During this time, I fell back in love with reading for pleasure and discovered many authors that have become the core of my reading. But with all long running series, this is book 21 of just the core series!, sometimes you get a bit of reading fatigue. I fully believe that you can love a series with all your heart and also wonder how much longer an author is going to keep it going. If you have felt that way at all with the BDB, I get it, and also, this book made me remember why I love Ward and this series so much. And, as with long running series, it’s so hard to discuss them without all the spoilers.

So here’s what I loved:

  • Lassiter really gets to show his humanity and express his true feelings about his role in the Brotherhood’s life.

  • Rahvyn’s character is given more depth and complexity. I really like her storyline.

  • Lassiter and Rahvyn’s romance felt so pure, but also so fragile. I really loved the uncertainty of it all.

  • Beth gets to be more than LW’s mom.

  • Devina and Lash. My word these two are diabolical. I love it.

  • I screamed during a pivotal scene. Screamed. While working a local election.

  • (I live in a tiny district and it was a sloooow day. Don’t judge.)

  • I think this book sets up the opportunity for a huge shift in the world.

This book was amazing! I fell right into the story and was completely enthralled from beginning to end.

Thank you to the Publisher for the opportunity to read and review an early copy of this title. All opinions and mistakes are my own. This post may contain affiliate links, including Amazon Associate links, and I may earn from qualifying purchases.

Resting Witch Face (Stay a Spell #5) by Juliette Cross

Happy Halloween and do I have a huge treat for you! Today is the release day for one of my most anticipated books of the year. I fell in love with the Stay a Spell series with the first book, Wolf Gone Wild, and the series continues to deliver super hot romance set in a well-crafted magical world.

Resting Witch Face (Stay a Spell, #5)Resting Witch Face by Juliette Cross
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

CW: gore, violence
Friends, this book opens with a literal bang! We have been witness to the potent tension between Jules and Ruben for many books now and, in Resting Witch Face, the fifth book in the Stay a Spell series, we finally learn the history behind the longing and animosity. What we also get is more insight into the governing council of all supernatural beings and its history and power structure.

As Jules and Ruben travel the world, meeting with the leaders of the various covens to petition the inclusion of the werewolves into their guild, they are forced to come to terms with their attraction to each other and the complexities behind the failure of their relationship years before. Overcoming distrust, dealing with the effects of their gifts, and the constant need to balance work and family is a lot for any couple to grapple with, let alone two of the most powerful and respected members of their covens. There are real, complex reasons that their relationship collapsed in the past and Cross does an excellent job of showing two people who genuinely want to repair the damage and forge a new path forward.

Resting Witch Face is a hot, second-chance romance, full of political intrigue and danger. Cross is known for her dirty talking heroes and Ruben is no exception. This book is full of incredible banter, angst, and intense longing. I really, really loved it.

Thank you to the author for the opportunity to read and review this title. All opinions and mistakes are my own.

View all my reviews

If you’re interested in adding this amazing book to your collection, you can click on the cover for ordering information.

This post may contain affiliate links, including Amazon Associate links, and I may earn from qualifying purchases.

The Vampire of Maple Town by Kane McLoughlin

The Vampire of Maple Town is full of magic, mystery, vampires, and secrets.  How far would you go for love? Would you destroy an entire town?  Would you keep your loved ones locked away to keep them safe? Would you sign a contract that exchanges your life for another?   

Vampire of Maple Town.jpg

After being rescued by a mysterious woman in a magical coach, Charlie finds himself the new resident of a mansion at 13 Chiaroscuro Lane.  Becoming the adopted son of the town’s mysterious doctor Victor Prowl isn’t as great as it seems. Unable to interact with the outside world, Charlie spends his time aimlessly wandering the mansion.  But living in comfort in the mansion doesn’t help lessen the loneliness Charlie feels until one day he discovers a magical friend. Aria, a bird made of paper, is able to fly and sing as any other bird may do and quickly becomes Charlie’s new companion.  Together, the two begin to spend their days exploring the village after Victor leaves for work each morning. They discover new friends, new love, and secrets that will threaten the entire village.

If you took a great vampire story and set it in an old-fashioned version of Wonderland, you would come very close to the feeling of this story.  There are magic dolls turned to life who broker magical deals with life altering consequences. Witches who aren’t allowed to show their magical talent.  Vampires who are also doctors and werewolves that should never be trusted. Witches who are learning their skills and witches who aren’t as dead as they seem. Not to mention blacksmith apprentices who may have powerful secrets of their own.  Village festivals, feasts, balls, blacksmith shops, and forests become the setting for both young love and revenge.

This was an interesting take on vampires.  Sunlight doesn’t affect them and Charlie goes most of the book without drinking any blood, let alone craving it when he’s around other people.  In fact, Charlie spends most of the story trying to figure how he could be one of the evil creatures that he keeps hearing about. He isn’t mean or cruel and seems to be a normal boy who just wants to find his place in the world.  

Really enjoyed this one.  The story moves quickly with plenty of twists and turns. Bonus-as of this posting, it’s only $2.99 for Kindle!

If you would like a copy, and want to help support the site, you can buy your copy here:

Full disclosure time:  I received a free copy of this book from the author through a LibraryThing giveaway.  All opinions are my own.