#Review: The Hacienda by Isabel Caña

Available Now

Reader Friends, this book is so spooky! I love a gothic horror novel and when you set it in post-War of Independence in Mexico with some major family drama you end up with a riveting combination of All the Things I Love. That’s right, we have family drama, political drama, a spooky house, a remote location, some mysterious deaths, and a tight knit group of people who have everything to lose if they come forward with their suspicions. 

Beatriz’s whole world fell apart after her father was executed and she and her mother had to move in with relatives who treated them more as servants than family. Desperate to have a home for herself and her mother Beatriz marries Rodolfo Solórzano, a wealthy politician who can guarantee safety and stability, but not love. When Beatriz arrives at her new home, she is not greeted with kindness or friendliness. She is met with iciness from the staff and even the house seems displeased with her presence. 

When Rodolfo leaves for the capitol shortly after her arrival, Beatriz is determined to make the home her own, not just a series of reminders of her husband’s first wife. As Beatriz works on redecorating and furnishing her home, she encounters more strange occurrences within the home that are both unsettling and terrifying. When she calls in help from a local priest, Beatriz finds herself, and those around her, in grave danger. 

It’s so spooky! The pacing in this novel is perfect. There’s just enough flashbacks and backstory to really set the stage and the right amount of horror and suspense to keep you glued to the page. I was enthralled by this book and found myself constantly thinking about it and wanting to get back to it. You know it’s good when I’m willing to give up my sci-fi shows to read. 

I loved the history included in the novel and the way it was written as known facts and not needing to be overly explained to the reader. You could feel the oppression the war had on those around Beatriz and how her father’s execution absolutely devastated her. Working for her mother’s family damaged her confidence and filled her mind with doubt that impacted so many of her decisions. Andres, the priest, had to be so careful with his knowledge and family legacy so that those around him weren’t threatened by the local law or ostracized by those around them. It was a constant weight felt through everyone’s decisions and actions. 

I absolutely loved this book and can’t want to see what else this author has in store for us. 

If you would like to add this amazing book to your shelf, you can find ordering information here:


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#BlogTour! A Proposal They Can't Refuse by Natalie Caña

On Sale Date: June 7, 2022


Trade Paperback

$15.99 USD

336 pages

“My Big Fat Greek Wedding” but make it Latinx when a Puerto Rican chef and an Irish American whiskey distiller are blackmailed into a fake relationship by their scheming octogenarian grandfathers.

Ain’t nobody got time for octogenarian blackmail, especially Kamilah Vega. Convincing her parents to update the family’s Puerto Rican restaurant and enter it into The Fall Foodie Tour is quite enough on her plate, muchas gracias. And with the gentrification of their Chicago neighborhood, the tour looks like the only way to save the place. Too bad her abuelo made himself very clear; if she wants to change anything in his restaurant, she must marry the one man she can't stand: his best friend’s grandson.

Liam Kane spent a decade working his ass off to turn his family’s distillery into a contender. Now he and his grandfather are on the verge of winning a national competition. Then Granda hits him with a one-two punch: he has cancer and has his heart set on seeing Liam married before it’s too late. And his Granda knows just the girl... yup, you guessed it, Kamilah Vega.

If they refuse, their grandfathers will sell the building that houses their businesses, ruining all their well-laid plans. With their legacies and futures on the line, Kamilah and Liam plan to outfox the devious duo, faking an engagement until they both get what they want. But the more time they spend together, the more they realize how much there is to love. Soon, they find themselves tangled up in more than either of them bargained for.



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Read on for an excerpt from A Proposal They Can’t Refuse!

Kamilah Vega stomped up the short entryway and yanked the heavy glass door open with more force than necessary. A strong wind, the type only ever experienced in Chicago, grabbed a hold of the door and pushed it back so roughly that it made a loud bang. The front-desk secretary jumped and gave her a dirty look, but Kamilah barely noticed. Her attention went immediately to the two bodies slumped in the love seat outside the director’s office. 

She tried her best to keep the anger out of her voice because she already knew how the two troublemakers in front of her would react to it. “What did you do now?” 

That garnered an immediate and very predictable response of “Nothing” from both occupants. It was a lie, of course. It always was whenever these two started claiming innocence in unison. 

Kamilah rubbed both hands over her face and let out the type of deep and weary sigh that someone should let out at midnight after a hard and long day—not at eight thirty in the morning. She dropped her hands. “Don’t you think it’s time to stop with the shenanigans? You’re eighty years old, Abuelo.”

Her grandfather gasped in outrage at the mention of his age and scowled at her. His salt-and-pepper hair was sticking up all over the place like a fuzzy baby monkey, making him look adorable despite the baleful glare.

Looking decidedly more put together, even in his tattered denim overalls and faded flannel, Abuelo’s roommate and best friend gave her his own version of the stink eye. “You’re only as old as you feel,” Killian replied in his deep Irish brogue.

“And that means what? That you two feel twelve?”

Before they could answer, the door to the office opened, and there stood Maria Lopez-Hermann, the director of Casa del Sol Senior Living. “Hello, Kamilah. I’m glad you were able to come on such short notice. I know you were probably in the middle of morning prep at the restaurant.”

Kamilah didn’t bother telling Maria that after closing the night before, she’d slept through her many alarms and was late to work. Now, thanks to the two hooligans next to her, she was going to be very, very late. Her employers wouldn’t care about her excuses. It didn’t matter that they were her parents. Kamilah was a Vega and an employee, so her main responsibility was to the family restaurant. Always.

Maria motioned for them to enter her office, and they filed in. Kamilah purposely let Abuelo and Killian sit in the two chairs in front of Maria’s desk, while she stood behind them, a hand on each of their shoulders. It was the same stance her mami had taken the time she and her cousin Lucy had got in trouble for skipping gym class for two weeks.

Abuelo crossed one leg over the other and tucked his hands under his armpits, while Killian leaned back, spread his legs wide, and let his arms hang over the short back of the barrel chair. Kamilah once again marveled at their ability to look summarily unconcerned while she was sweating bullets, and she hadn’t even done anything.

Maria took a seat behind her desk and interlocked her fingers, resting them on top of her desktop calendar. “I thought I had made myself clear after the bird incident that being banned from pet therapy would be the least of your worries if there were any more pranks pulled.”

Kamilah closed her eyes and shook her head. It was a variation on what she’d said right before giving the Devious Duo a monthlong suspension from bingo for starting an illicit gambling ring; before that, there was a security-enforced curfew after the strip-poker fiasco. “What did they do now?” she asked, well aware that it was the third or fourth time she’d asked the question that morning and had yet to get a response.

“This morning we had two residents with high blood pressure show alarmingly high readings after breakfast. We did some investigating and found that Mr. Kane and Mr. Vega had snuck into the cafeteria last night and replaced the decaffeinated coffee grounds with fully caffeinated espresso.”

“Abuelo!” Kamilah exclaimed.

“They don’t have any proof it was us,” Killian interjected. “They just want to blame us for everything that happens in this godforsaken prison.”

“Prison,” Kamilah scoffed. “You two have more freedom than anyone else in here.” It was true. Because of their relatively good physical health and stable mental health, Abuelo and Killian didn’t require as much care as many of the other residents. It was more as if Casa del Sol were their college dorm rather than their senior-care facility. It didn’t help that the two tended to view the senior-living center’s strict rules as friendly suggestions.

“Your feelings aside,” Maria continued, “we do have proof. The cameras that we installed in the cafeteria and kitchen caught very clear images of you both.”

Abuelo softly damned the cameras. “Condenados cámaras.”

But Killian had other concerns. “You hear that, Papo? Freedom,” he harrumphed.

“They won’t even let me drink café con leche,” Abuelo added. “They give me light brown poop water and call it coffee.”

“It’s decaf with a splash of coconut milk, and your doctor says it’s better for your heart,” Kamilah pointed out. Abuelo’s doctor also said his congestive heart failure was very treatable as long as he took his meds, stuck to a heart-healthy diet, and remained relatively active. Of course, Abuelo paid him no attention.

As if on cue, Abuelo made a noise of disdain. “Ese doctor no sabe na’. Cuando me duele el pecho, me pongo un poco de Vaporú y ya.”

Kamilah sucked her teeth more at the claim that his doctor knew nothing than at the miraculous healing quality of Vicks VapoRub. All Latinx people knew Vaporú was the cure for everything from a common cold to heartbreak.

Abuelo looked at the director of the complex with petulance. “And when are you going to start serving carne frita con mofongo?” Abuelo continued, because apparently he was on a roll. “I’m sick of eating all these steamed vegetables like a damn rabbit.”

Maria leaned forward. “Mr. Vega, if you are so unhappy with Casa del Sol, you are welcome to find another living facility to reside in.”

Kamilah jumped in before her hardheaded grandfather could ruin the best thing he had going for him. “Maria, could I talk to these two alone for a few minutes before you lower the hammer?”

Used to their antics, Maria nodded her head and left the office.

Kamilah sank to her haunches between their chairs and waited until both men looked at her. “You guys have to stop this,” she said in her voice of reason tone. She placed a hand on each of theirs. “I don’t have time for you to be staging weekly high jinks like you’re the Little Rascals. I can’t be here all the time making sure that you don’t get kicked out.”

Abuelo turned his face away. “Nobody told you to come act like our mother.”

Killian nodded. “We are grown men.”

“Bullshite,” a deep voice sneered from too damn close, startling Kamilah right as she felt a presence looming over her.

A girl who grew up on the West Side of Chicago and with four tormenting older brothers knew to strike first and ask questions later.

“Not today,” Kamilah declared in her You-Messed-Withthe-Wrong-Bitch voice, spinning around in her crouched position, morphing into famous Chicago heavyweight champion Ernie Terrell, and swinging her fist at her would-be attacker’s crotch.

The moment her fist connected with the very sensitive part of the man’s anatomy and she heard his pained “Son of a bitch,” she knew she’d made a grave mistake.

Oh dear God, no. Not him. Please don’t let him be here.

Meanwhile, Tweedledum and Tweedledee laughed their asses off like a pair of demented hyenas.

When he fell to his knees, Kamilah suddenly found herself face-to-face with the exact man she’d just prayed wasn’t there.

Big, broad, and brooding, Killian’s grandson didn’t resemble him in the least. Where Killian had a round face and wide nose with a bit of a hook at the end, Liam looked like something conjured out of the tie me up and spank me books her sister-in-law was always reading. His face was all sharp angles, set off by dark stubble, a stern mouth, and cool eyes.

“What is wrong with you?” He wheezed. “You can’t just go around dick-punching people.”

The hyenas laughed harder.

Kamilah’s jaw dropped. “What’s wrong with me?” she asked, incredulous. “What’s wrong with you, coming up on me like that? You don’t sneak up on a woman and expect not to get junk-punched. Especially not a woman born and raised in Humboldt Park.”

His French-blue eyes narrowed under dark brows. His nostrils flared while he inhaled deeply. That was Liam speak for I’d really like to tell you off right now, but not going to engage.

Kamilah saw that look often. Whatever. He pissed her off too.

“She has a point, lad,” Killian said, the amusement still thick in his voice. “You deserved that whack to the wanker.” He stood and pulled his grandson to his feet.

Kamilah found herself once again eye level with Liam’s crotch. She quickly stood and turned away from him, her face flushing with embarrassment. She met Abuelo’s gaze.

He arched his brows. “Nena, aren’t you going to apologize to him?”

“Me? Apologize to him?” Kamilah let out an incredulous bark of laughter. “He should apologize for sneaking in here and scaring me.”

“He didn’t sneak. The door was open.”

Kamilah didn’t answer. She should own up to her part and apologize, but her pride wouldn’t let her. Pride was the only thing protecting her from Liam. She couldn’t let it go now.

Liam stared, expressionless. Then he ignored her comment completely. “Granda, what did you do now?”

Kamilah hated when he ignored her.

Killian opened his mouth, but Liam cut him off. “And don’t say nothing, because I know you better than that.”

Before Killian could come up with a story, Maria walked back into the office. “They threw away all of the decaf coffee and replaced it with Café Bustelo espresso.”

“What the hell, Granda? You are willing to get kicked out of this place over coffee? Seriously?”

“It’s not the coffee. It’s the principle,” Killian replied, his nose in the air.

Liam threw up his hands and let out a sound of exasperation. “What principle? That the people you pay to take care of you actually take care of you?”

Killian crossed his arms. “You don’t get it because you’re young.”

“I don’t get it because it’s nonsense. Granda, where do you plan to go if you get kicked out? You sold your house to move in here with Papo.”

At the mention of the house he once shared with the love of his life, Killian’s face fell. That had been his wife’s dream house, and Kamilah had always suspected that he hadn’t really been ready to sell it.

“If you get thrown out, you can’t live with me, Granda.”

That was too much. Kamilah certainly wasn’t in agreement with their troublemaking, but Liam didn’t have the right to speak to his grandfather that way. Not after all Killian had done for him. “Because God forbid Super Loner Liam has to allow someone into his hermit cave.”

He turned on her. “Excuse me?”

“I’m saying that if they did get asked to leave, which we don’t know is going to happen, it wouldn’t kill you to let your grandpa move in with you. That’s what family does.”

“I was referring to the fact that he can’t walk that many stairs anymore, but I guess, as the almost thirty-year-old woman living with her parents, I should take your word on that other stuff.”

Kamilah scowled. He didn’t have to bring up her living situation like that. “It’s interesting, isn’t it? It’s like it’s not a big deal for us, because I’m not a miserable person who is extremely difficult to be around.”

Liam scowled at her. “Don’t you have somewhere to be? Like, off making someone else’s day shitty?”

Rude. Her pulse sped up. “I usually would, but since I already started with you, I can check it off my to-do list and it’s not even ten o’clock. Thanks a bunch.” She added a sweet smile.

“Glad to be of service.”

“Would you two just get a room already?” Killian said. Liam turned his dark look on his grandfather, and she made a disgusted noise.

“What?” Killian shrugged. “All I’m saying is you two fight like a couple.”

“Yeah.” Abuelo added his two cents. “You should just get married already.”

There was a beat of silence, and then both octogenarians’ eyes lit with the same mischievousness. The kind that had no doubt led to all of them being in their current situation.

You know what? Let’s get back to the reason we are here.” She faced Maria. “They may not look it, but I know Abuelo and Killian are sorry for the danger they put their fellow residents in, and next time they will think more about the consequences before they do something so incredibly stupid.”

Maria let loose a world-weary sigh, much like the one Kamilah had released earlier. She gave a small eye roll while shaking her head because they both knew Kamilah was full of shit. “Their cafeteria privileges have been revoked for the next two weeks. Prepackaged paper-bag meals will be sent to their apartment, or their families will have to provide their meals for them.”

“Is that supposed to be a punishment?” Abuelo asked.

“With the stuff they serve here, it feels more like a rew—”

Kamilah covered his mouth with her hand. “That seems totally fair.” In her head she was freaking out because she just knew she was going to be the one providing said meals, and she did not have the time for all that. “I’ll make sure they get fed.” She felt Abuelo’s mouth curve behind her hand, and she saw Killian’s pleased smile. “Don’t get too happy,” she warned. “You think they denied you? Just wait to see what I have in store. When I’m done with you, you are going to wish you could eat rabbit food.”

They were completely unfazed by her threats. Probably because they knew Kamilah was a crème brûlée—right below a crackly hard surface, she was really just pudding.

Echoing her thoughts, Liam scoffed. “As if you aren’t going to end up making them three-course meals complete with dessert.”

Kamilah fought the urge to stick her tongue out at him like a six-year-old. Instead, she ignored him. “I have to go to work, but for the love of God, please behave yourselves today,” she begged the duo of deviants.

She was almost positive she heard Killian mumble, “We make no promises.”

Excerpted from A Proposal They Can’t Refuse by Natalie Caña. Copyright © 2022 by Natalie Caña. Published by MIRA Books.


Natalie Caña writes contemporary romances that allow her to incorporate her witty sense of humor and her love for her culture (Puertominican whoop whoop!) for heroines and heroes like her. A PROPOSAL THEY CAN'T REFUSE is her debut novel.


Author website: http://nataliecana.com/services-and-pricing 

Twitter: @NatCanaWrites

Tik Tok: @nataliecwrites

Wicked Beauty by Katee Robert

It’s here! It’s finally here!

The third book in the Dark Olympus series gives us the very steamy retelling of Helen of Troy, Achilles, and Patroclus. When Helen realizes her brother intends for her to marry the person who literally wins her hand in a gladiator style competition, she decides to compete for herself. She wants to win her freedom to live her life on her terms and not that of someone who must bend to the will of a political alliance. What Helen doesn’t anticipate winning is the hearts of two gorgeous men who are willing to worship the ground she walk on…and her.

It’s so good you guys! In true Katee Robert fashion, this story is hotter than hot with truly interesting characters. Achilles wants the power that a marriage to Helen would bring, but he isn’t interested in maintaining an actual relationship with her…until about three minutes after he meets her of course. Patroclus wants Achilles happy and is willing to ensure that happiness at any cost. Both Achilles and Patroclus have ties to an agency outside of the Thirteen and are interested in the power that agency can provide, but Achilles would be out if he married Helen, leaving Patroclus behind. Patroclus, being Patroclus and wanting only happiness for Achilles, knows he’ll be left behind and is willing to let that happen if it means Achilles is happy. So much angst! So much “I love you more than my own happiness and I would raze the world for you” going on in this book. Everyone has their own end goal and the three of them ending up together? Not even on anyone’s radar. The journey these three take to fall in love is truly magical and I loved every single bit of it. It’s so good!

If you would like to add this amazing book to your shelf, you can click on the cover or here for ordering information.

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Always Practice Safe Hex by Juliette Cross

Available today!

Reader friends! Welcome to my new favorite series! I stumbled across book one in the Stay a Spell series, Wolf Gone Wild and instantly fell in love with the Savoie sisters and their lives in New Orleans. In the fourth installment of the series, we are given the epic romance of two fierce rivals, Livvy Savoie and Gareth Blackwater. It’s wildly funny, incredibly sexy, and full of magical mayhem. I absolutely loved watching these two hard-headed dummies realize that the chemistry between isn’t toxic, it’s explosive! If you’re looking for a new paranormal romance series that is full of heart, heat, and magic, this is definitely the series for you! Read on for more information about this amazing new book!

Something wicked this way comes, everyone. And his name is Gareth Blackwater—a grim reaper with secrets and sexiness to spare. Happy Release Day to ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE HEX, book 4 in the STAY A SPELL series. Here’s what you’ll find in the newest addition to this popular paranormal series:

Steamy, enemies to lovers

Forced proximity

Werewolf wet t-shirt contest

Telekinetic bed play

Bondage with a grim's monster

Dominant hero who is ALL in

There's a reason no one messes with a grim...

Livvy Savoie is a people person. Not only does she have the magical gift of persuasion, but her natural charisma charms everyone she meets. She hasn't met a person she didn't like. Until her annoyingly brilliant competitor walks through the door. No matter how hard she denies it, loathing isn't the only emotion she feels for him.

Grim reaper Gareth Blackwater is rarely, if ever, moved beyond his broody, stoic state. But the witch he's partnered with in the public relations contest is destroying his peace of mind. He's convinced that the flesh-melting attraction he feels for her is merely her witchy magic at work.

But forced proximity proves there is more than magic sparking between them. Livvy learns this enigmatic grim's abilities are beyond any supernatural she has ever known. And when Livvy becomes the obsessive target of a dangerous warlock, Gareth proves just how powerful he truly is. Because no one is going to hurt his Lavinia.

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Something wicked this way comes, everyone. And his name is Gareth Blackwater—a grim reaper with secrets and sexiness to spare. Happy Release Day to ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE HEX, book 4 in the STAY A SPELL series. Here’s what you’ll find in the newest addition to this popular paranormal series:

Steamy, enemies to lovers

Forced proximity

Werewolf wet t-shirt contest

Telekinetic bed play

Bondage with a grim's monster

Dominant hero who is ALL in

There's a reason no one messes with a grim...

Livvy Savoie is a people person. Not only does she have the magical gift of persuasion, but her natural charisma charms everyone she meets. She hasn't met a person she didn't like. Until her annoyingly brilliant competitor walks through the door. No matter how hard she denies it, loathing isn't the only emotion she feels for him.

Grim reaper Gareth Blackwater is rarely, if ever, moved beyond his broody, stoic state. But the witch he's partnered with in the public relations contest is destroying his peace of mind. He's convinced that the flesh-melting attraction he feels for her is merely her witchy magic at work.

But forced proximity proves there is more than magic sparking between them. Livvy learns this enigmatic grim's abilities are beyond any supernatural she has ever known. And when Livvy becomes the obsessive target of a dangerous warlock, Gareth proves just how powerful he truly is. Because no one is going to hurt his Lavinia.

AM: https://amzn.to/3FgSfim

AM UK: https://amzn.to/3KKehuX

AM CA: https://amzn.to/3sg62QZ

AM AU: https://amzn.to/3KTCsaI

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Goodreads: https://bit.ly/37l1YI6

#BlogTour! On A Quiet Street by Seraphina Nova Glass


Author: Seraphina Nova Glass

ISBN: 9781525899751

Publication Date: May 17, 2022

Publisher: Graydon House Books

A simple arrangement. A web of deceit with shocking consequences.

Welcome to Brighton Hills: an exclusive, gated community set against the stunning backdrop of the Oregon coast. Home to doctors, lawyers, judges--all the most upstanding members of society. Nothing ever goes wrong here. Right?

Cora's husband, Finn, is a cheater. She knows it; she just needs to prove it. She's tired of being the nagging, suspicious wife who analyzes her husband's every move. She needs to catch him in the act. And what better way to do that than to set him up for a fall?

Paige has nothing to lose. After she lost her only child in a hit-and-run last year, her life fell apart: her marriage has imploded, she finds herself screaming at baristas and mail carriers, and she's so convinced Caleb's death wasn't an accident that she's secretly spying on all everyone in Brighton Hills so she can find the murderer. So it's easy for her to entrap Finn and prove what kind of man he really is.

But Paige and Cora are about to discover far more than a cheating husband. What starts as a little agreement between friends sets into motion a series of events neither of them could have ever predicted, and that exposes the deep fault lines in Brighton Hills. Especially concerning their mysterious new neighbor, Georgia, a beautiful recluse who has deep, dark secrets of her own...

Read on for an excerpt from On A Quiet Street by Seraphina Nova Glass



Paige stands, watering her marigolds in the front yard and marvels at how ugly they are. The sweet-potato-orange flowers remind her of a couch from the 1970s, and she suddenly hates them. She crouches down, ready to rip them from their roots, wondering why she ever planted such an ugly thing next to her pristine Russian sage, and then the memory steals her breath. The church Mother’s Day picnic when Caleb was in the sixth grade. Some moron had let the potato salad sit too long in the sun, and Caleb got food poisoning. All the kids got to pick a flower plant to give to their moms, and even though Caleb was puking mayonnaise, he insisted on going over to pick his flower to give her. He was so proud to hand it to her in its little plastic pot, and she said they’d plant it in the yard and they’d always have his special marigolds to look at. How could she have forgotten?

She feels tears rise in her throat but swallows them down. Her dachshund, Christopher, waddles over and noses her arm: he always senses when she’s going to cry, which is almost all the time since Caleb died. She kisses his head and looks at her now-beautiful marigolds. She’s interrupted by the kid who de-livers the newspaper as he rides his bike into the cul-de-sac and tosses a rolled-up paper, hitting little Christopher on his back.

“Are you a fucking psychopath?” Paige screams, jumping to her feet and hurling the paper back at the kid, which hits him in the head and knocks him off his bike.

“What the hell is wrong with you, lady?” he yells back, scrambling to gather himself and pick up his bike.

“What’s wrong with me? You tried to kill my dog. Why don’t you watch what the fuck you’re doing?”

His face contorts, and he tries to pedal away, but Paige grabs the garden hose and sprays him down until he’s out of reach. “Little monster!” she yells after him.

Thirty minutes later, the police ring her doorbell, but Paige doesn’t answer. She sits in the back garden, drinking coffee out of a lopsided clay mug with the word Mom carved into it by little fingers. She strokes Christopher’s head and examines the ivy climbing up the brick of the garage and wonders if it’s bad for the foundation. When she hears the ring again, she hollers at them.

“I’m not getting up for you people. If you need to talk to me, I’m back here.” She enjoys making them squeeze around the side of the house and hopes they rub up against the poi-son oak on their way.

“Morning, Mrs. Moretti,” one of the officers says. It’s the girl cop, Hernandez. Then the white guy chimes in. She hates him. Miller. Of course they sent Miller with his creepy mustache. He looks more like a child molester than a cop, she thinks. How does anyone take him seriously?

“We received a complaint,” he says.

“Oh, ya did, did ya? You guys actually looking into cases these days? Actually following up on shit?” Paige says, still petting the dog and not looking at them.

“You assaulted a fifteen-year-old? Come on.”

“Oh, I did no such thing,” she snaps.

Hernandez sits across from Paige. “You wanna tell us what d id happen, then?”

“Are you planning on arresting me if I don’t?” she asks, and the two officers give each other a silent look she can’t read.

“His parents don’t want to press charges so…”

Paige doesn’t say anything. They don’t have to tell her it’s because they pity her.

“But, Paige,” Miller says, “we can’t keep coming out here for this sort of thing.”

“Good,” Paige says firmly. “Maybe it will free you up to do your real job and find out who killed my son.” Hernandez stands.

“Again, you know we aren’t the detectives on the—” But before Hernandez can finish, Paige interrupts, not wanting to hear the excuses.

“And maybe go charge the idiot kid for trying to kill my dog. How about that?”

Paige stands and goes inside, not waiting for a response. She hears them mumble something to one another and make their way out. She can’t restrain herself or force herself to be kind. She used to be kind, but now, it’s as though her brain has been rewired. Defensiveness inhabits the place where empathy used to live. The uniforms of the cops trigger her, too; it reminds her of that night, the red, flashing lights a nightmarish strobe from a movie scene. A horror movie, not real life. It can’t be her real life. She still can’t accept that.

The uniforms spoke, saying condescending things, pulling her away, calling her ma’am, and asking stupid questions. Now, when she sees them, it brings up regrets. She doesn’t know why this happens, but the uniforms bring her back to that night, and it makes her long for the chance to do all the things she never did with Caleb and mourn over the times they did have. It forces fragments of memories to materialize, like when he was six, he wanted a My Little Pony named Star Prancer. It was pink with purple flowers in its mane, and she didn’t let him have it because she thought she was protecting him from being made fun of at school. Now, the memory fills her with self-reproach.

She tries not to think about the time she fell asleep on the couch watching Rugrats with him when he was just a toddler and woke up to his screaming because he’d fallen off the couch and hit his head on the coffee table. He was okay, but it could have been worse. He could have put his finger in an outlet, pushed on the window screen and fallen to his death from the second floor, drunk the bleach under the sink! When this memory comes, she has to quickly stand up and busy herself, push out a heavy breath, and shake off the shame it brings. He could have died from her negligence that afternoon. She never told Grant. She told Cora once, who said every parent has a moment like that, it’s life. People fall asleep. But Paige has never forgiven herself. She loved Caleb more than life, and now the doubt and little moments of regret push into her thoughts and render her miserable and anxious all the time.

She didn’t stay home like Cora, she practically lived at the restaurant. She ran it for years. Caleb grew up doing his homework in the kitchen break room and helping wipe down tables and hand out menus. He seemed to love it. He didn’t watch TV all afternoon after school, he talked to new people, learned skills. But did she only tell herself that to alleviate the guilt? Would he have thrived more if he had had a more nor mal day-to-day? When he clung to her leg that first day of preschool, should she have forced him to go? Should he have let him change his college major so many times? Had he been happy? Had she done right by him?

And why was there a gun at the scene? Was he in trouble, and she didn’t know? Did he have friends she didn’t know about? He’d told her everything, she thought. They were close. Weren’t they?

As she approaches the kitchen window to put her mug down, she sees Grant pulling up outside. She can see him shaking his head at the sight of the cops before he even gets out of the car.

He doesn’t mention the police when he comes in. He silently pours himself a cup of coffee and finds Paige back out in the garden, where she has scurried to upon seeing him. He hands her a copy of the Times after removing the crossword puzzle for himself and then peers at it over his glasses.

He doesn’t speak until Christopher comes to greet him, and then he says, “Who wants a pocket cookie?” and takes a small dog biscuit from his shirt pocket and smiles down at little Christopher, who devours it.

This is how it’s been for the many months since Grant and Paige suffered insurmountable loss. It might be possible to get through it to the other side, but maybe not together, Paige said to Grant one night after one of many arguments about how they should cope. Grant wanted to sit in his old, leather recliner in the downstairs family room and stare into the wood-burning fireplace, Christopher at his feet, drinking a scotch and absorbing the quiet and stillness.

Paige, on the other hand, wanted to scream at everyone she met. She wanted to abuse the police for not finding who was responsible for the hit-and-run. She wanted to spend her days posting flyers offering a reward to anyone with information, even though she knew only eight percent of hit-and-runs are ever solved. When the world didn’t respond the way she needed, she stopped helping run the small restaurant they owned so she could just hole up at home and shout at Jeopardy! and paper boys. She needed to take up space and be loud. They each couldn’t stand how the other was mourning, so finally, Grant moved into the small apartment above their little Italian place, Moretti’s, and gave Paige the space she needed to take up.

Now—almost a year since the tragic day—Grant still comes over every Sunday to make sure the take-out boxes are picked up and the trash is taken out, that she’s taking care of herself and the house isn’t falling apart. And to kiss her on the cheek before he leaves and tell her he loves her. He doesn’t make observations or suggestions, just benign comments about the recent news headlines or the new baked mostaccioli special at the restaurant.

She sees him spot the pair of binoculars on the small table next to her Adirondack chair. She doesn’t need to lie and say she’s bird-watching or some nonsense. He knows she thinks one of the neighbors killed her son. She’s sure of it. It’s a gated community, and very few people come in and out who don’t live here. Especially that late at night. The entrance camera was conveniently disabled that night, so that makes her think it wasn’t an accident but planned. There was a gun next to Caleb’s body, but it wasn’t fired, and there was no gunshot wound. Something was very wrong with this scenario, and if the po-lice won’t prove homicide, she’s going to uncover which of her bastard neighbors had a motive.

She has repeated all of this to Grant a thousand times, and he used to implore her to try to focus on work or take a vacation—anything but obsess—and to warn her that she was destroying her health and their relationship, but he stopped responding to this sort of conspiracy-theory talk months ago.

“What’s the latest?” is all he asks, looking away from the binoculars and back to his crossword. She gives a dismissive wave of her hand, a sort of I know you don’t really want to hear about it gesture. Then, after a few moments, she says, “Danny Howell at 6758. He hasn’t driven his Mercedes in months.” She gives Grant a triumphant look, but he doesn’t appear to be following.

“Okay,” he says, filling in the word ostrich.

“So I broke into his garage to see what the deal was, and there’s a dent in his bumper.”

“You broke in?” he asks, concerned. She knows the How-ells have five vehicles, and the dent could be from a myriad of causes over the last year, but she won’t let it go.

“Yes, and it’s a good thing I did. I’m gonna go back and take photos. See if the police can tell if it looks like he might have hit a person.” She knows there is a sad desperation in her voice as she works herself up. “You think they can tell that? Like if the dent were a pole from a drive-through, they could see paint or the scratches or something, right? I bet they can tell.”

“It’s worth a shot,” he says, and she knows what he wants to say, also knows he won’t waste words telling her not to break into the garage a second time for photos. He changes the subject.

“I’m looking for someone to help out at the restaurant a few days a week—mostly just a piano player for the dinner crowd—but I could use a little bookkeeping and scheduling, too,” he says, and Paige knows it’s a soft attempt to distract her, but she doesn’t bite.

“Oh, well, good luck. I hope you find someone,” she says, and they stare off into the backyard trees.

“The ivy is looking robust,” he comments after a few minutes of silence.

“You think it’s hurting the foundation?” she asks.

“Nah,” he says, and he reaches over and places his hand over hers on the arm of her chair for a few moments before getting up to go. On his way out, he kisses her on the cheek, tells her he loves her. Then he loads the dishwasher and takes out the trash before heading to his car. She watches him reluctantly leaving, knowing that he wishes he could stay, that things were different.

When Paige hears the sound of Grant’s motor fade as he turns out of the front gate, she imagines herself calling him on his cell and telling him to come back and pick her up, that she’ll come to Moretti’s with him and do all the scheduling and books, that she’ll learn to play the piano just so she can make him happy. And, after all the patrons leave for the night, they’ll share bottles of Chianti on checkered tablecloths in a dimly lit back booth. They’ll eat linguini and clams and have a Lady and the Tramp moment, and they will be happy again.

Paige does not do this. She goes into the living room and closes the drapes Grant opened, blocking out the sunlight, then she crawls under a bunched-up duvet on the couch that smells like sour milk, and she begs for sleep.

Excerpted from On A Quiet Street by Seraphina Nova Glass, Copyright © 2022 by Seraphina Nova Glass. Published by arrangement with Harlequin Books S.A.

Social Links:

Author Website

Twitter: @SeraphinaNova

Facebook: Seraphina Nova Glass: Author


Author Bio: 

Seraphina Nova Glass is a professor and playwright-in-residence at the University of Texas, Arlington, where she teaches film studies and playwriting. She holds an MFA in playwriting from Smith College, and she's also a screenwriter and award-winning playwright. Seraphina has traveled the world using theatre and film as a teaching tool, living in South Africa, Guam and Kenya as a volunteer teacher, AIDS relief worker, and documentary filmmaker.

Romance Quickie! Rafe: A Buff Male Nanny by Rebekah Weatherspoon

This has been my “Break In Case of Emergency” book was for some time now. I’ve only heard amazing things about it and there’s just something comforting about knowing I had this incredible book waiting for me. But like all BICOE books, I was instantly mad that I had waited to read it…even though that’s the point?

Anyways, Rafe is a huge, buff, tattooed, motorcycle riding nanny who is very good at his job. Kids and families love him. He’s calm, gentle, and genuinely loves kids. Dr. Sloan Campbell is an accomplished heart surgeon and mom to twin 6 year-old girls and divorced from her dickish husband. Her nanny quit in the middle of the day, leaving the girls alone until Sloan came home from work. Luckily, Rafe happens to be fresh out of a job after his last family moved across the globe and knows he can’t leave a single mom in a lurch.

He’s not prepared for hot she is.

She’s not prepared for hot he is.

They handle the entire attraction very responsibly in regards to employer/employee respects.

They’re smoking hot together.

The kids are not annoying.

It’s incredible! Highly recommend, don’t wait like I did, it’s so good!

Deceived by the Gargoyles by Lillian Lark

Available now

Yup! I’m still on the Lillian Lark train! I am really enjoying this world she has created for her characters and I think this one might be my favorite. So far, that is.

Grace comes from a high society witch family with powerful connections. Grace wants nothing to do with them and their manipulative and abusive ways. After another disappointing date that felt more like a business meeting for her parent’s political connections than a romantic connection, Grace decides to put herself first and meet with Rose, the magical matchmaker. And, it seems to work! Grace is matched to Elliot, a handsome and attentive gentleman who seems to check off quite a few boxes on Grace’s partner wish list. Because yes, Grace has a list! But when the relationship starts to stall out a bit, Grace becomes concerned that Elliot has lost interest. Much to Grace’s surprise, it’s not that Elliot has lost interest, it’s that he hasn’t found the right time to introduce Grace to his other mates. It was a bit of a surprise to discover that Elliot was a gargoyle, but that he’s also mated to two other gargoyles? That’s a lot for anyone to take in unexpectedly. On top of a possible new relationship, Grace is being harassed by former date who can’t seem to take “no” for an answer.

What follow is a beautiful exploration of love, friendship, hope, and acceptance. Grace is a smart and confident woman who knows her boundaries and has worked hard to overcome her family’s judgement and criticism. Elliot, Broderick, and Alasdair are very vocal and appreciative of Grace’s curvy figure and my only complaint with the book is that there weren’t illustrations or photos of Grace’s amazing dresses! She has an incredible sense of style and loves old Hollywood starlet style dresses. She’s also a Librarian which makes her absolutely perfect in every way! Our gargoyles are very invested in making their relationship work and they are so sweet. Lark really hits all the emotional buttons with how Grace, Elliot, Broderick, and Alasdair work through how to make the relationship not just work, but thrive. This is a really lovely romance and I can’t wait to see what Lark comes up with next.

If you would like to add my new favorite book to your shelf, it’s available in KU or you can find ordering information here:


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A River Enchanted by Rebecca Ross

Available now

If you’re in the mood for a quiet, lyrical fantasy, A River Enchanted should be moved to the top of your TBR. Set in a world where elemental spirits can be deadly, enchanted shawls act as armor, and music can be as powerful as an army, A River Enchanted tells the tale of an island divided by an ancient feud between clans.

Jack Tamerlaine was sent to the mainland to learn the art of the bard and after ten years away, has no desire to return. Growing up with a single mother who refused to share the name of his father, Jack was subjected to years of gossip and cruelty. When his laird writes for him to return to the island, Jack cannot refuse. But Jack is surprised to find it’s not his laird that called him back but the laird’s daughter and his former childhood friend Adaira. Girls have begun to go missing on the island and not even the border guards and their magic can find them.

But there is more than just the girls disappearing that has Adaira so concerned. The Breccans, a rival clan on the island, has made overtures of peace but the timing is highly suspicious. As Jack and Adaira get closer to solving the mystery of the missing girls, long held secrets of the island come to light and threaten the safety of everyone.

This novel is deceptively quiet and gorgeously written. It’s incredibly atmospheric and the magic feels very at home and intuitive with the characters and setting. People on the island can hear whispering on the wind which is both the islanders speaking to one another and also, possibly more? Many of the islanders seem to have a magical gift or refined ability that is completely accepted and respected. Jack’s mother can weave enchantments into shawls that make them as strong as armor and Jack’s music can summon the elemental spirits. Torin, a high level security chief is able to feel when people cross the border and can determine where the crossing happened. But all of this magic comes with a price. Those that wield their magic, even if it’s to protect others, endures physical pain and illness for a short time.

The story itself is very compelling and it’s hard to not get invested in Jack’s journey from a somewhat shunned boy to a powerful bard. Jack discovers a lot about his family’s history and about his time growing up that was kept from him. He has a chip on his shoulder from the way the community treated him growing up and it’s not an easy road for him. Adaira doesn’t have it easy either-I’m realizing how tough this book actually was for our characters! She has been raised to rule upon her father’s death and every decision she makes is for the good of her people, not for herself or her heart.

I really enjoyed this book and all the magic and adventure found within.

If you’d like to add this fantasy to your shelf, you can find ordering information here:

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The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd

Available now

I loved The Cartographers. Absolutely, 100%, could-not-put-it-down loved it! It’s a wonderful combination of magical realism, locked room mystery, and family drama. Our main character Nell Young had a falling out with her father nearly a decade ago. Both are cartographers who worked together at the New York Public Library and had been incredibly close until one day, Nell found an old gas station map at the Library and after showing her father, was immediately fired. Fired, by her own father. Now, Nell has received the devastating phone call that her father has died in his office and that seemingly worthless map that ruined Nell’s life is hidden in his desk. Determined to find out why this particular map is important, Nell sets off on a dangerous and unbelievable journey that uncovers long held family secrets and just may lead her to a second chance at happiness.

This is one of those tricky books that I feel describing the best parts ruins the wonderful surprises found within. If you really want to stay spoiler free, just walk away now and read this book. It truly is fabulous. If you don’t mind some very minor spoilers, pull up a chair.

The map that ruined Nell’s life is highly sought after by a mysterious group known as The Cartographers. The maps go for unbelievably high prices online and those that claim to have copies are warned off from trying to sell them. It is through this map that Nell discovers more about her parents’ college days and the events that led to her mother’s death. While trying to discover the significance of the map, Nell adds it to an online database and very quickly, she discovers the devastating consequences of her seemingly benign actions. As Nell tries to continue researching her map, she finds herself calling in one last favor to her ex, Felix, who worked with her alongside her father, before the map incident. What I really liked about these interactions is that Felix and Nell both still have feelings for each other, but it’s far from a smooth transition back into a relationship. They both hold old wounds from their first time together and neither one wants to be hurt again. It all felt very real how they were drawn together and fall apart again throughout the novel.

I struggle with books where flashbacks are heavily used because I find myself getting pulled out of the story. I never felt this with The Cartographers. The story flowed so easily between the two timelines and it never felt unnecessary or clunky. The way the plot is slowly revealed is really well done and I was enthralled from the very beginning.

I absolutely loved this one, highly recommend it, please read so we can talk about all the things!

If you would like to add this wonderful novel to your shelf, you can find ordering information here:

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#BlogTour! Love, Hate & Clickbait by Liz Bowery


On sale: April 26, 2022

ISBN: 9780778311898


LGBTQ Romance

$15.99 / $20.99 CAN

336 Pages

Shake some hands. Kiss some coworkers.

Cutthroat political consultant Thom Morgan is thriving, working on the governor of California's presidential campaign. If only he didn't have to deal with Clay Parker, the infuriatingly smug data analyst who gets under Thom's skin like it's his job. In the midst of one of their heated and very public arguments, a journalist snaps a photo, but the image makes it look like they're kissing. As if that weren't already worst-nightmare territory, the photo goes viral--and in a bid to secure the liberal vote, the governor asks them to lean into it. Hard.

Thom knows all about damage control--he practically invented it. Ever the professional, he'll grin and bear this challenge as he does all others. But as the loyal staffers push the boundaries of "giving the people what they want," the animosity between them blooms into something deeper and far more dangerous: desire. Soon their fake relationship is hurtling toward something very real, which could derail the campaign and cost them both their jobs...and their hearts.

Buy Links:


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ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Liz Bowery writes love stories about terrible people. Her interests include politics, cheese, TV shows you can't stop watching even when it's 3 AM, and playing Among Us with friends. Like most romance writers, she is a lawyer, and lives in Alexandria, Virginia with her family. Cover Story is her debut novel.

Social Links:

Author website: https://www.lizbowery.com/ 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/scribblesmadly 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/liz.bowery.books/ 

Facebook: N/A

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/58648055-love-hate-clickbait 

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Thriller Quickie: The Golden Couple by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen

Available now

This book is full of my catnip - rich people problems, seemingly perfect people who are actually hot messes, and every character hiding a deep, dark secret that will shatter their entire world once discovered.

When Marissa approaches Avery about taking her and her husband Matthew on as clients for marriage counseling, she is well aware of Avery’s unconventional therapy style. But no one was prepared for how unconventional Avery could truly be. As the sessions continue and become more and more intense, strange occurrences seem to follow both Avery and Marissa and it begins to feel like everyone is hiding something and no one is being entirely truthful.

This is an incredibly engrossing and compelling novel. Everyone is hiding something. Everyone is lying. Everyone apparently has more money than they know what to do with. If you love a book where you hate all the characters, this is perfect for you!

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Giving the Devil His Due Edited by Rebecca Brewer

Giving the Devil His Due is a powerful anthology created to promote awareness about the need to end violence against women. Giving the Devil His Due is the first charity anthology from The Pixel Project under their new Read for Pixels Program in partnership with Running Wild Press and 100% of the net proceeds will go towards supporting The Pixel Project’s anti-violence against women programs, campaigns, and resources.

In these 16 stories, readers will find a range of science fiction and fantasy stories where the women become far more than victims. Here they find strength, community, and justice. This collection includes some of the most popular and respected authors within the SFF community including Angela Yuriko Smith, Christina Henry, Dana Cameron, Errick Nunnally, Hillary Monahan, Jason Sanford, Kaaron Warren, Kelley Armstrong, Kenesha Williams, Leanna Renee Hieber, Lee Murray, Linda D. Addison, Nicholas Kaufmann, Nisi Shawl, Peter Tieryas, and Stephen Graham Jones.

In the opening story, Hell on the Homefront Too, Stephen Graham Jones weaves a tragic tale of an abuser who survives the war and is heralded as a hero while his wife lives in constant fear of his abuse. What didn’t kill him didn’t kill him, it only made him a murderous zombie.

Hillary Monahan’s The Devil’s Pocket Change shows us the often overlooked type of abuse: emotional abuse and neglect In her story, a young woman falls into the abyss of depression and mental illness with no support from her husband.

All of the stories found within this anthology are powerful, emotionally satisfying, and incredibly well written. If you would like more information on the Pixel Project, this anthology, or ending violence against women, click on the links below.:

The Pixel Project – http://www.thepixelproject.net

The Giving The Devil His Due homepage – http://bit.ly/GivingTheDevilHisDue

Sexual Assault Awareness Month – https://www.nsvrc.org/saam/history

Wolf Gone Wild by Juliette Cross

Available Now

Cue all the squeeing! This book is amazing! It’s incredibly funny, completely nerdy, and the chemistry between our characters is electric! I absolutely loved this book and stayed up way past my bedtime because I couldn’t put it down. It’s truly laugh out loud funny and would be the perfect beach/vacation/escapist read when you want to add some joy into your day.

After he is unable to shift for months, werewolf Mateo Cruz is desperate for help but the witches that are best at providing magical assistance have a strict No Werewolf rule. But Mateo is truly suffering and while the Savoie sisters are tough, they aren’t cruel. After discovering that Evie Savoie brings peace and calm to his inner wolf, Mateo hires her to spend time with him each day so he can focus on his metal sculpting and complete his latest art piece before the deadline. But, of course, Evie’s beauty, bright personality, and complete geekiness capture Mateo’s heart and he quickly finds himself falling hard for the powerful witch. Evie also finds the handsome and talented artist irresistible and is determined to find a way to break the hex that is ruining his life.

This book is truly fabulous. I loved how open and honest Evie and Mateo were with each other. Their conversations are full of witty banter that is a delight to read, but they also have some really vulnerable discussions that are true #couplegoals. In this version of New Orleans, the supernatural community exists in the shadows with very few humans knowing of its existence. Evie and her sisters come from a long line of powerful witches and their coven has been in power for decades. They are fiercely loyal to each other and those they love and it really showed in the way that they took Mateo’s situation so seriously and how quickly they dropped the “no werewolf” rule when he needed their help. I loved the quirkiness of their home. The sisters have some interesting pets that create some chaos throughout the story and I’m hoping they pop up again in future books. We all need a little Zombie Cat in our lives.

I love how Evie was allowed to be her full geeky self and it was seen as fun and endearing and not as weird and immature. I mean, spoiler, her ex was a jerk about it but he’s an ex for a reason. Mateo dives right into it because it brings Evie joy and all he wants is for her to be happy. She just gets to be her full quirky self with her fun comic book t-shirts and I loved that for her. There is a really fun scene at a restaurant that had me giggling the entire time. Also, this book is hot as hell! Very, very well done.

Loved it! Absolutely loved it!

If you would like to add this super fun and super steamy book to your shelf, you can find ordering information here:


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The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi

Available Now

I’m not one to regularly read the author’s notes at the end of books but I was very intrigued about how this story came to life. In his note, Scalzi calls this book “a pop song” and it’s the perfect descriptor. It’s pure fun, truly escapist, and full of light. The title gives you all you need to know! Kaiju are real and they need someone to help keep them safe. And, learn from my mistakes-start reading those author’s notes! They’re full of fun stuff.

After being ruthlessly fired from an office job at a food delivery start-up, Jamie Gray ends up working as a “Deliverator,” or delivery person, for the same start-up at the beginning of the pandemic. With money running out and roommates fleeing, Jamie is just desperate enough to take a job offer from an old acquaintance. What they think will be a grunt job doing little more than lifting things turns out to be the wildest adventure imaginable.

Jamie Gray is now a member of the Kaiju Preservation Society and it’s their job to help ensure the survival of the kaiju found on an alternate Earth. For all kinds of science reasons, kaiju are real and exist on an alternate Earth accessible via a secret military base in Greenland. In order to keep kaiju safe and healthy on their side of the dimensional border, the KPS, or Kaiju Preservation Society, spends their days researching and studying the kaiju. But the world the kaiju live in is far more dangerous than our Earth and with something wanting to kill you at every turn, Jamie and the other members of KPS are constantly on the lookout for killer insects and poisonous creatures. Just as Jamie begins to find a rhythm on this new Earth, a threat comes for the kaiju and the members of KPS that threatens both versions of Earth.

I loved this so much! It’s wildly funny and entertaining and I read the entire book in one sitting. The story moves quickly and is full of funny characters and bonkers scenarios. This book is truly refreshing. It doesn’t take itself too seriously and still manages to be full of heart and adventure. It’s action-packed, fast-paced and an absolute gem.

I loved this witty adventure and if you would like to add it to your shelf, you can find ordering information here:


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Comfort Me With Apples by Catherynne M. Valente

Available Now

It takes incredible skill to deliver a thrilling and horrifying tale in such a small number of pages. Coming in at just over 100 pages, Comfort Me With Apples is a stunning fairy tale set in a perfect community with a perfect marriage at it’s center. Waking up every morning in her beautiful home, Sophia’s first thought is always, “I was made for him.” This mantra provides her the focus needed to be a perfect wife and gives comfort on the long, lonely nights when he is away. But small cracks begin to form in their perfect marriage inside their perfect home and her perfect neighbors have begun to notice.

Valente uses the most beautiful and simple sentences to deliver a thrilling and terrifying tale. Even the chapter titles seem sweet and whimsical until you realize the horror behind their meanings. Chapter by chapter, we witness Sophia slowly realizing that her life is far from what she believed and it’s impossible to not be impressed by the skill it took to weave this magical and compelling tale. Comfort Me With Apples is a stunning domestic thriller and I absolutely loved it.

If you would like to add this horrifying tale to your collection, you can find ordering information by clicking on the cover.

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#BlogTour! Fool Me Once by Ashley Winstead

Book Summary:

In this fierce and funny battle of the exes, Ashley Winstead's FOOL ME ONCE explores the chaos of wanting what you already had.

Lee Stone is a twenty-first-century woman: she kicks butt at her job as a communications director at a women-run electric car company (that’s better than Tesla, thank you) and after work she is “Stoner,” drinking guys under the table and never letting any of them get too comfortable in her bed…

That’s because Lee’s learned one big lesson: never trust men. Four major heartbreaks set her straight, from her father cheating on her mom all the way to Ben Laderman in grad school—who wasn’t actually cheating, but she could have sworn he was, so she reciprocated in kind.

Then Ben shows up five years later, working as a policy expert for the most liberal governor in Texas history, just as Lee is trying to get a clean energy bill rolling. Things get complicated—and competitive as Lee and Ben are forced to work together. Tension builds just as old sparks reignite, fanning the flames for a romantic dustup the size of Texas.

Chapter 3

Grace under Fire

The Texas State Capitol has always reminded me of Daedalus’s labyrinth, large and elaborate and winding. It could be because I was studying Greek myths the first time I toured it at the tender age of eight, and was also plagued by a truly unfortunate sense of direction. But in my defense, the capitol is made of red granite, an oddly exotic color for a government building—something you  might be more likely to find on, say, the isle of Crete. 

As I grew up, both a feminist and an environmentalist in the staunchly red state of Texas, the idea that the capitol building housed a flesh-eating man with a bull’s head struck me less and less as fictional, and more and more as an apt metaphor.  

But today, there was no doubt Ben Laderman—at this very moment, holed up somewhere inside—was my Minotaur. And for all my wine-induced bravado last night, my hands trembled as we walked up the steps to the capitol. 

The truth was, I’d imagined running into Ben a hundred times since we broke up, picturing exactly how I’d react. There was this one time I’d been sitting with my mom and Alexis in an airport parking shuttle, when a man Ben’s height and coloring lugged his suitcase up the steps. For one dizzying second, thinking it was him, my heart had tried to beat its way out of my chest. Even though the man quickly revealed himself to be a Ben imposter, the buzzing adrenaline hadn’t washed out of my veins until hours later, near the end of our flight. 

How surreal that I was minutes away from actually facing him. 

“The idea for today is to introduce Ben to the bill, since he probably hasn’t had time to review it yet, and secure his buy-in.” Wendy was walking beside me—actually, she was strutting beside me like the steps were a runway. Dakota’s chief of staff was long and lean; everywhere she walked, the world seemed to fold itself into a catwalk just for her. She wore an all-black suit, as sharp and quintessentially no-nonsense as she was. 

“Remember, the most important thing we can walk away with is Ben’s enthusiasm.” She cut a glance at me. “I need charm from you. Is that feasible?” 

“Psshh.” I gave her an affronted look. 

If only Wendy knew the truth about what we were walking into. But there was no way in hell I was going to tell her the project we’d been working on for years, the one with the potential to catapult the company to stardom, could go up in flames thanks to my messy dating life. Somehow, I’d managed to convince everyone at work that I was a talented communications professional, concealing any hint of the Lee Stone that existed outside the hours of nine to five. If Wendy—uptight stickler Wendy—knew what I was really like, I’d be fired before I could count to three. 

Within the monochromatic white walls of Lise, I was Lee, or Ms. Stone to junior employees: a take-no-prisoners messaging maven. Outside of Lise, I was Stoner. And never the twain should meet. 

“Lee’s a pro,” said Dakota, winking from my other side. “She already won over the governor. Besides, this is a good bill. The only reason they wouldn’t go for it is politics.” Dakota said the last word with scorn, and I knew why: she’d been fighting politics her whole life. 

Dakota Young was my hero. She was only ten years older than me, but she’d built Lise from the ground up, thanks to her genius inventor’s brain and business savvy. When I first started as Lise’s comms director, the newspapers had called Dakota “the female Elon Musk”—when they mentioned her at all. My first self-assigned task was to inform them that Dakota had designed and produced her electric vehicle five years before Tesla was a twinkle in Elon’s eye, and the only reason the journalists didn’t know was because our patriarchal society dismissed female inventors. Especially Mexican American female inventors. 

The truth was, Dakota had beat Elon to it and designed a car battery pack with twice the capacity of Tesla’s, meaning our vehicles could go as far as a gas car before needing to recharge. And they took less time to do that, too. There was no reason our cars shouldn’t be the clear winner in the e-vehicle market, but we consistently underperformed. My hypothesis was that it came down to our small profile. 

The disparity in attention between Dakota and Elon had inspired one of my best ideas: changing the name of the company from Unified Electric Vehicles—the yawn-worthy UEV for short—to Lise, pronounced “leez,” in honor of Lise Meitner, a nuclear physicist who’d helped discover nuclear fission, only to be excluded from winning the Nobel Prize for it. The award had gone solely to Otto Hahn, her partner. Her male partner, if I even need to say it. 

I’d gambled on my instincts, telling Dakota we shouldn’t shy away from being known as a female-led tech and auto company, but rather call it out as a strength. She’d gambled on me and agreed; the rest was history. The name change had exploded like a bomb in the press. Dakota was featured in Science, the New York Times, Good Morning America—even Fox News, though that might have been because she’s not only a badass female inventor, but with her long, dark hair and hazel eyes, a gift of her Mexican heritage, she’s a beautiful, badass female inventor. 

Since our rebranding, the whole country had been taken with her, as well they should be. Dakota was the smartest person I’d ever met, managing to toe the line of being a total boss while exuding kindness. She was, to put it mildly, my idol. And also, the older sister I’d never had. My feelings for her were totally healthy. 

I had a good track record at Lise, but passing this bill would seal the deal, establishing that I was a leader. If I was successful, I could ask for a promotion to the position I really wanted: vice president of public affairs.

Ever since reading Silent Spring at the age of ten, I’d grown up obsessed with the fact that we were poisoning our planet, and I’d dreamed of going into politics to do something about it. Being Lise’s comms director was a good position at a great company—nothing a millennial could turn her nose up at—but being in charge of our policy work was what I was really interested in, the goal that got me out of bed each morning. 

And now I was so close. 

Assuming, of course, I didn’t dissolve into a fine mist the minute I set eyes on Ben. 

I turned left toward the meeting room we always used when we came to talk to the governor. It was the biggest room, filled with highly questionable artifacts from Texas history. These artifacts were supposed to paint a picture of Texans as bold, valiant cowboys—framed letters from Mexican presidents pleading to end wars and old-timey weapons in glass cases from the years Texas was “settled” (translation: stolen from indigenous peoples). It was a room that showcased the state’s history without any sense of self-awareness, and being there always put me on edge. Made me question whether we should be working with these people at all, even on something as potentially transformative as the Green Machine bill. 

But Wendy shook her head, tugging my arm. “No Alamo room today. We’re down the hall.” She pointed to the right and I followed her, wondering at the change. 

The three of us halted outside a closed door. Dakota smiled. “Remember, this is bigger than us. We’ve got the health and well-being of the planet on our shoulders. Let’s do this for the people.” 

“No pressure,” I muttered, as Wendy swung open the door.

And there he was, the very first thing I saw. Ben Laderman. Sitting at the right hand of the governor at the conference table. 

Time seemed to freeze as the impact of seeing him in the flesh hit me like a punch to the chest. All the years we’d spent apart were obvious, because he looked different. He wasn’t the Ben from my memories. 

But he was still the easiest person in the world to describe, at least in terms of the basics: Ben Laderman looked exactly like Clark Kent from old comic books. Not Superman, with his perfect, blue-black hair, little forehead curl and confident, square jawline—Clark. 

Don’t get me wrong, Ben had the dark hair and strong jaw and ice-blue eyes, but when I’d known him, he’d kept his hair super short and worn thick-framed black glasses that mostly obscured his eyes. He was well over six feet, but he’d always hunched, like Clark slinking in late to the Daily Planet, trying to creep about unnoticed. 

The Ben Laderman sitting at the table now was…well, there was no way to describe it other than California Ben. He’d grown out his hair and wore it tucked and curling behind his ears. He’d exchanged the thick-framed black glasses for a pair of thin, transparent frames that left no question his eyes were vivid blue. 

And the suit he was sitting ramrod straight in—no more hunch—wasn’t a dark, boxy number like what he’d worn in law school for mock trial. This suit was the same blue as his eyes, a fashion risk that was both startlingly handsome and startlingly playful for someone starting work in the Texas governor’s office. 

He was different. Still knee-wobblingly beautiful, but different.

And he was staring at me.

Excerpted from Fool Me Once by Ashley Winstead, Copyright © 2022 by Ashley Winstead. Published by arrangement with Harlequin Books S.A.


Author: Ashley Winstead

ISBN: 9781525899744

Publication Date: April 5, 2022

Publisher: Graydon House Books

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Author Bio: 

ASHLEY WINSTEAD is an academic turned novelist with a Ph.D. in contemporary American literature. She lives in Houston with her husband, two cats, and beloved wine fridge.

Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read and review this title. All opinions and mistakes are my own.

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This book is lovely.

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